GM crops and foods in Britain and Europe

GM crops enter Britain mainly as animal feed. There is no commercial growing, but there have been experimental trials of GM potatoes, wheat and Camila sativa ("false flax") recent years.
GM crops and food can enter Europe as food, animal feed, or biofuels. GM food and feed must be approved by EU regulators and must be labelled, but meat and dairy products produced from animals fed on GM feed are not required to be labelled. In 2011, the EU decided to allow low levels of unapproved GM crops in animal feed. GM crops can be grown experimentally with approval from national regulators, or commercially if approved by the EU.
Decisions on GM crop cultivation are partly made at EU level but in 2010, the European Commission proposed that approvals could be speeded up if countries were allowed to make national decisions on whether to grow them or not (the "opt out" proposal), allowing some countries to ban commercial cultivation. The new law was adopted in 2015.
Syngenta's RoundUp Ready GA21 maize is the only remaining GM crop in the commercial pipeline for EU cultivation that would be suitable for growing in England or Flanders (Belgium): the areas of northern European countries which grow maize and have not used the opt out. RoundUp Ready crops are controversial for several reasons, including harm to wildlife habitats from blanket spraying with weedkiller and pesticide residues on food. Read about the problems in Chemical and Engineering News.
Finland, Sweden and Estonia have not used the EU opt out, but don't grow maize, so there is nothing in the pipeline suitable for growing there. The other countries which have not opted out - Spain, Portugal, Romania, the Czech Republic and Slovakia - already grow small quantities of Monsanto's MON810 maize (a Bt crop, resistant to some pests) for use in animal feed. Most of the cultivated area is in Spain.
The current situation is summarised below.
For more about how GM crops and foods are regulated see the GM crops:Regulation section.
GM foods and feed
Large quantities of GM soya and maize are imported into Europe, including Britain, as animal feed. Meat and dairy products fed on GM animal feed are not labelled as GM-fed in British supermarkets. The EU has also decided to allow GM feed to include trace levels of crops which have no safety approval in Europe (i.e. are unauthorised GM crops). Campaign group GM Freeze has published a list of where to buy non-GM-fed meat, milk and eggs. Food and Water Watch Europe has also published campaign information.
Waitrose continues to require non-GM feed for poultry, eggs and lamb. In April 2013, Tesco, the Co-Op and Marks and Spencer announced they will no longer require poultry to be fed on GM-free feed, following similar decisions by Morrisons (March 2012) and Asda (September 2010). Sainsbury is keeping some product lines fed on non-GM soya, but is dropping others. There is a danger that suppliers will no longer segregate GM and non-GM soya in shipments to Britain if the major retailers do not demand it and easily available sources of non-GM meat and dairy products will be lost. However, organic and pasture-fed meat and dairy products will remain GM-free fed.
Some other countries in Europe (Germany, France, Luxembourg, Austria) have Government-sponsored voluntary labelling schemes for non-GM-fed meat, milk and eggs so that consumers can choose to buy non-GM-fed products. Organic standards also require non-GM feed. In Sweden, GM feed is no longer used at all, due to consumer pressure. In 2012, Turkey announced that GM-fed meat, milk and dairy products would be labelled.
Most British retailers do not sell other GM foods and if they stock them they must be labelled (this is also the case elsewhere in Europe). GM Freeze has produced a list of products it has found here. This includes GM cooking oil which is used in some chip shops and takeaways.
A large percentage of GM maize grown in the US is now used in industrial-scale biofuels (agrofuels) subsidised by the US Government. Biofuels do not have to be labelled as containing GM crops and it is possible that some GM biofuels are entering the EU, including Britain.
Commercial growing
Only two GM crops have been approved for commercial growing in the EU. One is a variety of pest-resistant maize (Bt maize) produced by Monsanto (known as MON810). This is grown mainly in Spain (and in smaller quantities in some other countries) for use in animal feed. Cultivation of MON810 is banned in France, Germany, Greece, Austria, Luxemburg and Hungary.
Another GM crop was approved for cultivation in the EU in 2010: a potato known as the Amflora potato, which has been genetically modified by BASF to produce starch for use in paper-making. It was grown in small quantities in Germany and Sweden in 2011. BASF then withdrew from planting GM crops in Europe in January 2012 and in late 2013 the European Court annulled the authorisation, arguing it had not been granted lawfully.
In 2014, following another court case, the EU considered approving the commercial cultivation of another insect-resistant maize (Bt maize 1507) produced by DuPont.
No GM crops are currently grown commercially in Britain. The Bt maize that is grown in Spain is not suitable for growing here and the pests it is resistant to do not occur in Britain. Attempts to introduce herbicide-tolerant GM crops into Britain have been very controversial, because of the expected harmful effects on wildlife and the likely emergence of superweeds. None of these crops are currently approved for commercial growing.
Field trials
Many experimental field trials of GM crops are conducted in Europe. In Britain, there have been field trials of GM potatoes, GM wheat and GM Camila sativa ("false flax"). In 2019, trials are planned for GM wheat and broccoli at the John Innes Centre's farm just outside Norwich, and for GM camelina sativa ('false flax') by Rothamsted Research in Hertfordshire and Suffolk. Find out more about objections to these trials on on the GM Freeze website. Defra lists applications and consents for field trials. There is a public consultation period and the Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment (ACRE) provides advice to Government.
Government policy
Scotland has a GM-free policy, as does Wales.
In June 2011, the UK Coalition Government outlined its policy on GM crops in its response to the Science and Technology Committee's report on bioengineering. A summary of the policy has been added to the DEFRA website (under the heading Government policy).
In 2012, the GM industry met with ministers to promote the return of GM crops to Britain. In late 2012, Environment Secretary Owen Paterson and the then Prime Minister David Cameron began to make public statements in support of GM crops and in 2014, Paterson worked with industry to develop an EU proposal to allow GM crops to be fast-tracked into Britain. The aim of the "opt out" proposal is to fast track GM crops into pro-GM countries whilst allowing other EU countries to opt out. The opt out has now been adopted and is being used by Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, allowing England to potentially start growing GM crops if they are first approved by the EU (no crops suitable for growing in England have yet been approved). Following the Brexit referendum, the approvals process may of change allowing the UK and/or the devolved administrations to adopt their own policies on GM crops.
- GeneWatch UK reports
- Consultation responses
GeneWatch UK response to the Food Standards Agency consultation on applications for eight genetically modified organisms (GMOs) for food and feed uses
8th November 2022
GeneWatch UK letter to the Food Standards Agency: The Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Bill
31st May 2022
GeneWatch UK response to the FSA consultation on applications for nine genetically modified organisms for food and feed uses
12th January 2022
- GM Freeze: Defra: multi agency response to GM wheat trial 21/R08/01 (29th June 2021)
GeneWatch UK's response to Defra's consultation on deregulation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) - Part 2 GMOs
9th March 2021
GeneWatch UK response to FSA Brexit consultation
2nd October 2018
Multi-agency response to GM camelina trial 18/R8/01
27th March 2018
- GM Freeze: Defra: multi-agency response to GM potato trial application 17/R29/01 (16th March 2017)
GeneWatch UK submission to the Scottish Government consultation on transposition of the GM Directive
13th December 2016
GeneWatch UK comments on EFSA's Opinion on soybean MON 87769 x MON 89788 for food and feed
26th October 2015
GeneWatch UK comments on EFSA's Opinion on soybean MON 87705 x MON 89788
17th August 2015
GeneWatch comments on an application for the authorisation of GM soybean MON 87708 x MON 89788 for food and feed (July 2015)
13th July 2015
GeneWatch UK submission to the EFRA Committee's inquiry on Food Security
22nd December 2013
GeneWatch UK response to EFSA re import of Monsanto's dicamba-tolerant soybean (November 2013)
30th November 2013
GeneWatch UK: Response to FSA consultation on EU harmonisation of "GM Free" labelling
26th February 2013
GeneWatch UK: Response to BIS consultation on Agri-Tech Strategy
23rd November 2012
GeneWatch UK response to the Food Standards Agency consultation on applications for eight genetically modified organisms (GMOs) for food and feed uses
- Press releases
- Joint PR: Independent scientists set up international research project 17th November 2016
- Testbiotech and GeneWatch UK PR: Conflicts of interest played down by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) 14th June 2016
Joint PR: Warning that transgenic maize in Spain could spread uncontrollably
21st April 2016
- Joint PR: Warning that transgenic maize in Spain could spread uncontrollably 21st April 2016
- Joint Testbiotech and GeneWatch UK PR: After pressure from industry: EU Commission wants to allow the import of genetically engineered "toxic" soybeans 7th April 2016
- Testbiotech and GeneWatch UK PR: Commission admits that toxic mixes in genetically engineered soybeans need to be assessed 19th January 2016
- GeneWatch UK and TestBiotech PR: Warning to EU Member States not to allow new genetically engineered soybeans with resistance to glyphosate for import 17th November 2015
- GeneWatch UK PR: GM wheat trial failure highlights poor GM success rate, need to invest in other R and D 24th June 2015
- GeneWatch UK PR: EU approval of new GM crop for import condemned for increasing use of toxic weedkiller 24th April 2015
- GeneWatch UK PR: Second-generation GM crops: an environmental disaster 15th October 2014
- GeneWatch UK PR: Supermarkets must wake up to environmental harm caused by imported GM feed 26th August 2014
- Food Manufacture: GM feed warning from anti-GM campaign group (27th August 2014)
- GeneWatch UK PR: Committee spreads misinformation about GM crops to be grown in England 30th June 2014
- GeneWatch UK PR: Paterson and GM industry work together to open England up to RoundUp Ready GM crops 8th June 2014
- GeneWatch UK PR: UK Government and GM industry collusion exposed 5th May 2014
- GeneWatch UK PR: Defra battles to keep public in the dark over GM industry influence on policy and media 14th April 2014
- Joint PR: Environment groups condemn Paterson's plans to plant RoundUp Ready GM crops in England 10th March 2014
- GeneWatch UK PR: GM potato research a waste of money 17th February 2014
- GeneWatch UK PR: Supermarkets must stop harm to Monarch Butterfly, end GM animal feed use 30th January 2014
- Testbiotech, GeneWatch UK and the Pesticide Action Network (PAN) PR: Stop risky herbicide 2,4-D (27th January 2014) 27th January 2014
- GeneWatch UK PR: Second generation of GM crops resistant to more toxic weedkillers expose industry's diversionary PR strategy 29th August 2013
- GeneWatch UK PR: Paterson's pro-GM speech raises questions about his role in Government 19th June 2013
- GeneWatch UK PR: New study finds European GM-free farming outperforms GM farming in United States 18th June 2013
- GeneWatch UK PR: GM crops a poor choice for Britain 11th June 2013
- Joint PR: China moves to source GM-free soya supplies: why will Tesco not do the same in Britain? 22nd April 2013
- GeneWatch UK PR: Tesco misleads customers on GM chicken feed and bows to pressure from Monsanto 10th April 2013
- GeneWatch UK PR: GeneWatch warns of conflicts-of-interest in parliament on GM crops 4th January 2013
- GeneWatch UK PR: GM industry fund parliamentary group to promote return of GM crops to Britain 27th November 2012
- GeneWatch UK PR: Taxpayers' R&D spend needs more accountability: stop wasting it on PR for GM crops 23rd November 2012
- GeneWatch UK and GM Freeze Press Release: Monsanto meets ministers to push return of GM crops to Britain 24th October 2012
- GeneWatch PR: GeneWatch welcomes MPs' report on sustainable food and MEP's decision to halt patents on conventionally-bred plants 12th May 2012
- Press articles
- Hospitality and Catering News: Regulation by Stealth bringing GMOs to English Farms (15th February 2022)
- The Guardian: UK moves closer to allowing gene editing of crops by allowing more research (20th January 2022)
- The Express: Tesco, Sainsbury's and Asda urgently recall chocolate over 'genetically modified organism' (6th August 2021)
- Confectionary Production: Mars Wrigley UK issues product recall after genetically modified organism found in ingredients (5th August 2021)
- EU Observer: Commission under fire for new 'deregulatory' approach to GMOs (30th April 2021)
- Euractiv: Commission reopens gene editing's box amid sustainability claims (29th April 2021)
- AgPro: XtendFlex Soybeans Approved, Bayer Offers Guarantee on Dicamba Beans (28th September 2020)
- Wicked Leeks: A GM future? (24th March 2020)
- EU Observer: Is Hogan about to let Trump's GM exports into EU? (16th March 2020)
- Euractiv: 'New GMOs': Kyriakides gets off on wrong foot with biased consultation (5th February 2020)
- The Times: GM food: Keep EU rules or risk health, says gene expert (19th January 2020)
- EurActiv: EU study to clarify gene editing court ruling further muddies waters (5th December 2019)
- EurActiv: UK faced with EU-US biotechnology dilemma post-Brexit (28th November 2019)
- Green European Journal: Reopening GMO Rules Would Be a Dangerous Waste of Time and Money (25th November 2019)
- The Brussels Times: GMO imports face fresh opposition in European Parliament (14th November 2019)
- Reuters: Germany to ban use of glyphosate from end of 2023 - sources (4th September 2019)
- The Pig Site: Organic farmers urge government to consider implications of GM on UK Ag sector (29th August 2019)
- EurActiv: Organic farmers oppose separate framework for new plant breeding techniques (30th July 2019)
- Farmers Weekly: Boris Johnson vows to 'liberate' UK from EU's GM crops stance (26th July 2019)
- ScienceBusiness: Boris Johnson vows to ditch EU rules on GM crops (25th July 2019)
- EurActiv: Give the people what they want: Non-GMO sells (22nd July 2019)
- Farming UK: Defra approves trials set to extract oils out of GM plants (10th May 2019)
- Feed Navigator: UK trials on GM oils for feed and food greenlighted (10th May 2019)
- FruitNet: Plans for GM potato trial under fire (17th April 2019)
- EurActiv: British farmers fear US pressure on GMOs after Brexit (26th February 2019)
- FruitNet: Gene editing "no silver bullet" after Gove speech (3rd December 2018)
- France 24: Over 1m tonnes of animal feed in Europe may contain banned GMOs: report (23rd November 2018)
- AgriLand: Ireland to maintain a 'GMO-free status' (10th July 2018)
- EurekAlert: Genetic engineering researcher: Politicians are deaf to people's ethical concerns (15th June 2018)
- Feed Navigator: Germany expects to see record Non-GMO food sales (7th June 2018)
- Sustain: France will start labelling meat which was fed with genetically modified crops (2nd June 2018)
- The Telegraph: Gene-edited super-crops to be grown in UK for the first time (22nd May 2018)
- Where GM meets GE (18th May 2018)
- EurActiv: The EU needs to speak up to avoid 'backdoor' GMOs on our plates (16th May 2018)
- EurActiv: EU seeds industry: No sense to label products from new breeding techniques (14th May 2018)
- The Telegraph: GM crops that produce industrial products could be grown in Britain for first time (29th March 2018)
- Court House News Service: EU Environmental Challenge to Monsanto Soybeans Revived (14th March 2018)
- Reuters: Activists can challenge the way EU approves GMOs for market: court (14th March 2018)
- Reuters: French seed group says GMO protests could force R&D relocation (16th January 2018)
- Sustainable Pulse: New German Government Would Ban Glyphosate Herbicides in Shock to Monsanto-Bayer Merger (12th January 2018)
- Reuters: Environmentalists say they'll try to sue German, EU authorities over glyphosate (5th December 2017)
- Politico: Weedkiller vote poisons European politics (29th November 2017)
- Euractiv: EU renews glyphosate for five years as Germany swings the balance (27th November 2017)
- New York Times: French Health Regulator Withdraws Licence for Bayer Weedkiller (26th October 2017)
- Irish Farmers Journal: European Parliament votes to ban glyphosate (24th October 2017)
- Inside Track: Why we need to talk about GM again (23rd October 2017)
- EurActiv: EU agencies accused of cherry-picking evidence in glyphosate assessment (10th October 2017)
- Huffington Post: How Brexit Could Force UK Farmers To Lower Standards To Compete With US Meat Market (7th October 2017)
- Euractiv: Andriukaitis heats up glyphosate discussion with 'science' comments (19th May 2017)
- Horticulture Week: Unauthorised genetically-modified petunias found in the UK (5th May 2017)
- The Grocer: Three-quarters of Brits would reject US 'frankenfoods' (20th April 2017)
- FG Insight: Farmers left waiting as Government delays agriculture consultation again (11th April 2017)
- FGInsight: MEPs slam ECHA's ruling on glyphosate and call on Commission President for a ban (5th April 2017)
- The Guardian: Tory voters want environmental regulations maintained after Brexit (4th April 2017)
- Reuters: UK royals' sibling rivalry? Princess Anne says GMO crops have benefits (22nd March 2017)
- Daily Mail: Princess Anne on collision course with Charles after she says GM crops 'have very many benefits' and that she would be happy to use the technology on her own farm despite his staunch opposition to them (22nd March 2017)
- Farming UK: GM crops have 'important benefits' and GM livestock would be a 'bonus', Princess Anne says (22nd March 2017)
- Farming Online: Princess Anne causes GM stir (22nd March 2017)
- Press Association: Anne open to growing GM crops on her land (22nd March 2017)
- Farmers Guardian: Royals row over GM crops as MEPs vote to block their entry to the EU (22nd March 2017)
- St.Louis Public Radio: More farmers claim that Monsanto's leading weed killer product caused them cancer (21st March 2017)
- Evening Standard: Hungry for solutions: the scientists trying to satisfy London's soaring demand for food (8th March 2017)
- SwissInfo: Parliament backs extension of GMO moratorium (1st March 2017)
- The Western Producer: Unknown impact of Brexit worries feed company in Northern Ireland (9th February 2017)
- Eastern Daily Press: The Sainsbury Laboratory plans GM potato field trial in Norwich (7th February 2017)
- The Metro: Apple which never goes brown could hit British shelves after Brexit (6th February 2017)
- BBC: New 'super yield' GM wheat trial gets go-ahead (1st February 2017)
- Daily Mail: Genetically modified 'super-wheat' will be grown in the UK after trial is given the go-ahead despite fears of contamination (1st February 2017)
- Farming UK: UK votes in favour of GM crops, paving way for potential post-Brexit approval (31st January 2017)
- Farmers Weekly: GM cultivation looks more likely as Defra voices support (30th January 2017)
- FruitNet: US-UK deal threatens standards (30th January 2017)
- Reuters: Strict approvals needed for gene-edited crops: German minister (22nd November 2016)
- Farming UK: 'Fundamental to future food production': Brexit may allow farmers to grow GM crops (19th November 2016)
- BBC: Scientists apply for GM wheat trial in UK (4th November 2016)
- Daily Mail: Waitrose ends use of GM animal feed on its farms: Critics hail decision as 'beginning of the end' for use of the crops in the UK (2nd November 2016)
- a new nature blog: clean ponds and encouraging bees: Bayer influences public debate on future of farm subsidies (2nd November 2016)
- Farming UK: Waitrose to end use of GM soya in animal feed for meat and dairy products (1st November 2016)
- Farmers Weekly: Waitrose turns to GM-free European soya for pig feed (1st November 2016)
- The Telegraph: British farmers could grow GM crops after Brexit, reveals minister (26th October 2016)
- EurActiv: GMO experts: 'It’s an emotional debate, but not an irrational one' (13th October 2016)
- Heraldo: Los cultivos de maiz transgenico se reducen por primera vez desde su llegada a Aragon (24th September 2016)
- El Diario: Un ancestro mexicano del maiz merma en un 25 percent la cosecha de este cereal en Aragon (17th August 2016)
- The Wall Street Journal: Monsanto Wins EU Nod for New Biotech Soybeans (22nd July 2016)
- Farm Industry News: EU makes moves on three soybean events (22nd July 2016)
- EurActiv: EU kickstarts talks on new GMO approvals (8th July 2016)
- The Local (Germany): Lidl's cows are going on a GM-free diet (11th July 2016)
- Impronta Unica: Sequestrato in Veneto un campo illegale di mais geneticamente modificato Mon810 (July 2016)
- La Gran Epoca: Alertan peligrosa mezcla del teosinte con maiz transgenico en Espanya (8th July 2016)
economia Digital: Los agricultores abandonan en masa el maiz transgenico de Monsanto (6th July 2016)
Reports that growers in Spain are abandoning Monsanto's GM maize.
- Swissinfo: Government approves GMO ban extension (29th June 2016)
- Euranet Plus: Glyphosate, the most-hated herbicide - Part 3 (27th June 2016)
- EU Reporter: 'We need an exit strategy for #glyphosate' says #EFFAT (20th June 2016)
- Euranet Plus: lyphosate, the most-hated herbicide - Part 2 (20th June 2016)
- Darvas Bela: Hosszu tavu politikai dontes – Elso parlamenti nyilt nap a GMO-rol (15th June 2016)
- Euranet Plus: Glyphosate, the most-hated herbicide - Part 1 (13th June 2016)
- The Courier: Tories call for review of GM crops ban (11th June 2016)
- Eastern Daily Press: The Sainsbury Laboratory prepares for blight-resistant GM potato trial (11th June 2016)
- The Wall Street Journal: Agriculture Groups Ratchet Up Pressure on EU Over Approval of GMO Seeds (9th June 2016)
- Reuters: Monsanto develops plan for GMO U.S. soy lacking EU import approval (8th June 2016)
- European Parliament: Parliament objects to herbicide-resistant GM carnation and maize authorisations (8th June 2016)
- EurActiv: Member states 'hiding' behind Brussels on glyphosate (6th June 2016)
- Reuters: EU nations refuse to back new license for glyphosate weed-killer (6th June 2016)
- BBC: Royal Society calls for review of European GM ban (24th May 2016)
- The Greens: Glyphosate EU approval decision postponed as concerns refuse to go away (19th May 2016)
- AgriLand: France to ban glyphosate - regardless of EU vote this week (18th May 2016)
- Feed Navigator: Monsanto soybean strain finds cool welcome from US growers, buyers (17th May 2016)
- AraInfo: Piden la retirada del maiz transgenico MON810, del que Uesca produce el 25 percent de toda Europa (14th May 2016)
- TruePublica: Glyphosate and GMO's - The EU lobby firm that works both sides of the room (13th May 2016)
- Farmers Weekly: Arla launches milk premium for GM-free feed (13th May 2016)
- Feed Navigator: SUBSCRIBE EU court taking legal action against Monsanto GMO seriously: Testbiotech (13th May 2016)
- Reuters: Germany looks set to abstain in EU glyphosate vote (12th May 2016)
- The Guardian: European commission plans to relicense 'carcinogenic' weedkiller (22nd April 2016)
- Euractiv: Fresh EU-US trade spat brewing over new plant breeding techniques (22nd April 2016)
- EurActiv: MEPs speak out against GMOs in 'New Alliance' food strategy for Africa (22nd April 2016)
- The Ecologist: Nutritionally-enhanced GM crops? Too bad about the deformed butterflies (18th April 2016)
- Reuters: France to ban some glyphosate weedkillers amid health concerns (8th April 2016)
- The Ecologist: Campaigners' No to UK field trials of GM potatoes, oilseeds (7th April 2016)
- AgWeb: Elevators Say 'No Thanks' to Xtend Soybeans (30th March 2016)
- Oilseed & Grain: Some Midwest Grain Elevators Refusing Dicamba-Tolerant Soybeans (21st March 2016)
- The Guardian: EU states rebel against plans to relicense weedkiller glyphosate (4th March 2016)
- Reuters: EU seen approving weed-killer ingredient glyphosate amid cancer row (3rd March 2016)
- BuzzFeed: This Former Tory Cabinet Minister Won't Say Who Funded GBP18,000 Of Trips Through His Think Tank (1st March 2016)
- The Observer: What would Brexit mean for everyday life in the UK? (28th February 2016)
- Telegraph: EU Referendum: British sovereignty and Europe - the full facts (26th February 2016)
- Daily Mail: The secret conspiracy to force us all to eat GM food (25th February 2016)
- Daily Mail: Most meat is tainted by GM: Cattle are routinely given modified feed, shoppers told - and it's even in your Big Mac (24th February 2016)
- Mirror: You're eating meat tainted by genetically modified crops but you don't know it (24th February 2016)
- AgriLand: GMOs are being authorised in the EU without Member State support - MEPs (8th February 2016)
- European Parliament News: MEPs object to three GM soybean authorisations (3rd February 2016)
- Pig World: MEPs object to GM authorisation of imported foods and feed (21st December 2015)
- Digital World: New GM Maize Blocked by MEPS (21st December 2015)
Swiss Info: Bundesrat will Gentech-Moratorium verlaengern [in German] (18th December 2015)
Reports that the Swiss moratorium on GM crops cultivation will now be extended until 2021. However, the Government will also develop a legal basis to allow cultivation.
- Eastern Daily Press: NFU tells East Anglian farmers: Make the consumer case if you want GM crops (21st November 2015)
- The Ecologist: Regulators and retailers must stop 'next generation' GMO imports (20th November 2015)
- Farmers Guardian: Will EU opt out policy finally pave the way for GM crops in England? (17th November 2015)
- Nature: Debate rages over herbicide's cancer risk (13th November 2015)
- The Guardian: EU watchdog opens door to new licence for controversial weedkiller (12th November 2015)
- Daily Mail: Alarm as GM crops planted by mistake: Oilseed rape fields to be destroyed after they were contaminated with seed from France (30th October 2015)
- Lexocology: GMO cultivation: "patchwork Europe"? (29th October 2015)
- Politico Pro: Parliament rejects Commission proposal on GMOs (28th October 2015)
- Independent (Ireland): GM opt out is a cop-out: ICSA (14th October 2015)
- Delphi: Lithuania will not grow any GM crops (14th October 2015)
Le Monde: Failles dans l'homologation de six maïs OGM en Europe [In French] (14th October 2015)
Reports that several GM maizes marketed by Syngenta and authorized for import into Europe for several years for food and feed, are carriers of genetic changes that do not match those provided by the manufacturer to the European authorities.
- FeedNavigator: Brazilian soy exporters, crushers and farmers should 'keep their eyes on' German GM free trend, says retailer (13th October 2015)
- Reuters: Syngenta withdraws two EU applications for GMO products (13th October 2015)
- Europe Online: EU lawmakers reject controversial GM opt-out plan (13th October 2015)
- AgriLand: Teagasc GM potato research not affected by EU national opt-outs (7th October 2015)
- Balkan Insight: Romania Spurns Trend Towards Banning GM Crops (6th October 2015)
- Malta Today: Green NGO welcomes Malta's decision to opt out of growing GMO crops (6th October 2015)
- Donegal Now: ICSA criticises Government's stance on GM crops (6th October 2015)
- AFP: Most EU nations seek to bar GM crops (4th October 2015)
- EurActiv: 15 member states opt out of GMO culture (2nd October 2015)
- Wales Online: Welsh deputy farming minister Rebecca Evans seeks ban on genetically modified crops to protect organic farming (2nd October 2015)
- New Europe: In blow to Commission, almost half of EU's countries move towards banning GMOs (1st October 2015)
- The Guardian: Half of Europe opts out of new GM crop scheme (1st October 2015)
- Reuters: Italy tells EU it will opt out of growing GMO crops - statement (1st October 2015)
- The Scotsman: Was the Scottish Government right to ban GM crops? (30th September 2015)
- Radio Poland: Poland opts out of GMOs (30th September 2015)
- Reuters: Germany tells EU it will opt out of growing GMO crops (30th September 2015)
- STA: Slovenia to Meet GMOs Opt-Out Deadline (29th Sptember 2015)
- InNews: Serbia will not allow cultivation of GMO crops (28th September 2015)
- Malta Today: AD urges government to use EU opt-out to be declared GMO free (27th September 2015)
- FG Insight: Lithuania Follows Scotland's Lead in GM crops Ban (23rd September 2015)
- Belfast Telegraph: Science doesn't support growing GM crops, says Mark Durkan as ban ushered in (22nd September 2015)
- BBC: GM crop-growing banned in Northern Ireland (21st September 2015)
- Farming Life: Durkan bans GM crops in Northern Ireland (21st September 2015)
- Belfast Telegraph: Growing of GM crops banned in Northern Ireland by environment minister (21st September 2015)
- Sustainable Pulse: Lithuania Bans GM Crops as Biotech Industry Loses More Ground (21st September 2015)
- RT: Govt decides to ban GMO food production in Russia – deputy PM (18th September 2015)
- Reuters: France bolsters ban on genetically modified crops (17th September 2015)
- Nature: Rejection of GM crops is not a failure for science (2nd September 2015)
- EurActiv: Germany initiates move to ban GMO crops (25th August 2015)
- Reuters: Germany starts move to ban GMO crops - ministry letter (24th August 2015)
- BBC: GM crop ban 'threatens research' say scientists (18th August 2015)
- The Herald: GM crops: who will follow Scotland's lead? GM crops: who will follow Scotland's lead? GM crops: who will follow Scotland's lead? (15th August 2015)
- Herald: Agenda: Ban on GM crops makes sense ethically and is good for the economy and our standing (13th August 2015)
- The Scotsman: Scottish GM crops ban to have 'apocalyptic' effect (13th August 2015)
- The Herald: Scottish Government under fire over GM Crops ban (10th August 2015)
- Food Navigator: Scotland to ban GM crops: 'GM would damage our clean, green brand' (10th August 2015)
- The Courier: GM crops set to be banned in Scotland (9th August 2015)
- Dail Mail: Scotland to ban genetically modified produce while EU-approved controversial crops are to be grown in England (9th August 2015)
- AgriMoney: EU sowings of GM crops tumble - but imports large (29th July 2015)
ATL: Ny gmo-politik godkand [in Swedish] (29th July 2015)
Reports new Swedish policy on GM crop approvals
- Reuters: No need for new rules to protect butterflies from GM pollen: EU report (2nd July 2015)
- EurActiv: German states draft bill for nationwide GMO ban (2nd July 2015)
- European attitudes towards GMO - an overview of the current opinions (29th June 2015)
- Daily Mail: Taxpayer-funded trial of GM wheat designed to beat bugs and cut need for insecticides ends in a GBP3million failure (26th June 2015)
- The Guardian: GM wheat no more pest-resistant than ordinary crops, trial shows (25th June 2015)
- BBC: UK GM wheat 'does not repel pests' (25th June 2015)
- The Independent: Field trial of genetically-modified wheat failed to show it can repel aphid pests, scientists say (25th June 2015)
- European Supermarket Magazine: Germany's Netto Expands GM-Free Range (25th June 2015)
- STA: Govt Adopts Bill Permitting it to Limit or Ban GMO Production [Slovenia] (24th June 2015)
- The Telegraph: Guy Watson: why did BBC's Panorama fall for pro-GM propaganda? (19th June 2015)
- Reuters: German farming group KTG sows more soybeans in Europe, sees growing demand (19th June 2015)
- Farmers Guardian: American farmers losing markets to GM-free countries (18th May 2015)
- Western Daily Press: TB, badger cull and GM foods must top Liz Truss priorities, says NFU (12th May 2015)
- Hungary Today: Hungary To Become First Member State To Implement New EU Regulations On GMOs (11th May 2015)
- EurActiv: Germany sceptical of national import ban on GM foods (24th April 2015)
- FG Insight: EU Commission warned plans to nationalise GM approvals could 'damage livestock industry' (23rd April 2015)
- EU Observer: EU plans to return power on GMOs to states, but 'tools lacking' (22nd April 2015)
- Farmers Weekly: Rothamsted boss on how to get research on farms faster (2nd April 2015)
- Malta Independent: Authorities to discuss potential end to use of weed killer after WHO finds 'probable cancer link' (29th March 2015)
- FeedNavigator: Stalemate ended as GM crop imports for food and feed get EU hearing date (26th March 2015)
- The Independent: Trials of GM 'super spud' scheduled after election due to public sensitivity (24th March 2015)
- EurActiv: German government quarrels over GMO cultivation ban (19th March 2015)
- ITV: Organic farmers claim lifting a ban on GM food could spell disaster (25th March 2015)
- Metro: Waitrose, Domino's and M and S in hot water over GM food (22nd March 2015)
- Independent: Domino's selling genetically modified pizza despite website claiming it is GM-free (21st March 2015)
- The Telegraph: Weedkiller alert over cancer link (21st March 2015)
- Daily Mail: Now 'GM-free' Domino's is selling Frankenfood Pizzas: Takeaway chain among number of big names using modified foods (21st March 2015)
- ENDS Europe: BASF has no plans to return to EU GM market [Subscription required] (20th March 2015)
- Reuters: EU law on GM crops clears the ground for wave of approvals (11th March 2015)
- Irish Farmers Journal: Review of GMO import legislation to take place in April (10th March 2015)
- Food Manufacture: GM maize 'should be banned' by EU states (4th March 2015)
- Food Navigator: Member states back national bans for GM crops (3rd March 2015)
- European Voice: Juncker faces test on GM crops (2nd March 2015)
- Europe Online: German states want nationwide ban on genetically engineered plants (28th February 2015)
- The Organic and non-GMO Report: Danube Soya works to create GMO-Free Europe (26th February 2015)
- Daily Mail: Call GM food something else to ease public fears, say MPs: Report says label is 'lightning rod' for fears of designer crops (26th February 2015)
- European Voice: First GM crop to be approved following authorisation agreement (26th February 2015)
- The Parliament Magazine: GMO opt-out is 'a step forward' (23rd February 2015)
- Farming UK: FSA report: Increase in public concern over GM crops (19th February 2015)
- Daily Mail: Half of women fear hidden sugar in their food and drink: Issue is just behind price in list of concerns about the nation's diet (18th February 2015)
- Reuters: Europe's food fight shifts after GM crop vote (26th January 2015)
- Herald: Row as ex-MEP takes up lobbyist role for GM firm (25th January 2015)
- The Huffington Post: The EU and GM - Will It 'Let GM Crops Flourish' or Stop GM Being Used 'Under Any Pretext'? (23rd January 2015)
- The Scottish Farmer: Now it's 'GM George' (20th January 2015)
- The Guardian: GM crop vote was just the beginning of Europe's biotech battle (19th January 2015)
- Budapest Business Journal: Farm minister advocates GMO-free Europe (19th January 2015)
- Scientific American: New E.U. Law Lets Nations Ban Gene-Modified Crops (19th January 2015)
- EurActiv: GM crops to be fast-tracked in UK following EU vote (15th January 2015)
- Wales Online: Is a new era of GM crops about to begin - and should Wales be part of it? (14th January 2014)
- Luxembourger Wort: GM crops to remain forbidden in Luxembourg (14th January 2015)
- Shropshire Star: Shropshire MP backs European ruling which could see GM crops in UK sooner (14th January 2015)
- Daily Mail: Britain to sprout 'Frankenfoods' after EU ruling: Controversial crops could be grown from next year after being approved (14th January 2015)
- Farmers Weekly: Brussels vote could open door to GM crops in UK (13th January 2015)
- The Ecologist: EuroParl votes in new era of GMO farming (13th January 2015)
- BBC: EU changes rules on GM crop cultivation (13th January 2015)
- Bloomberg: EU Nations Get Flexibility Over Biotech-Crop Cultivation (13th January 2015)
- The Telegraph: Genetically modified crops could be planted in England this year (13th January 2015)
- Daily Mail: EU set to allow controversial genetically modified crops to be grown in the UK (13th January 2015)
- Press and Journal: Landmark EU vote could result in GM crops being grown in the UK (13th January 2015)
- RT: 'Dodgy deal': Euro MPs' vote opens way for GM crops in Britain (13th January 2015)
- Reuters: EU vote gives governments the choice to grow GM crops (13th January 2015)
- Food Navigator: Could national decisions on biotech allow more GM crop cultivation? (13th January 2015)
- EurActiv: MEPs approve national ban on GM crops cultivation (13th January 2015)
- The Grocer: Greenpeace cautions against new EU laws allowing "flexibility" over GMO crops (13th January 2015)
- Farmers Guardian: MEPS vote to give member states more powers on GM crops (13th January 2005)
- Irish Farmers Journal: European Parliament votes in favour of GMO proposals (13th January 2015)
- Daily Mail: 'Eco-friendly' Frankenfoods should be grown in Britain, says Minister, as she backs controversial technology for first time (8th January 2015)
- Wales Online: 2015 'will be critical for GM-free Wales' says MEP (6th January 2015)
- Science: Leap forward for E.U. bill allowing national bans on GM crops (4th December 2014)
- European Voice: Deal reached to allow national bans on GM crops (4th December 2014)
- Reuters: EU deal gives countries opt-out on growing approved GM crops (4th December 2014)
- Reuters: Germany to press EU for national right to ban GMOs before 2015 harvest (14th November 2014)
- Science: E.U. moves closer to enabling national bans on GM crops (12th November 2014)
- European Parliament News: Environment Committee backs flexibility for EU countries to ban GMO crops (11th November 2014)
- The Guardian: MEPs likely to allow national bans on GM crops in Europe (11th November 2014)
- Agri-eu: Slow Food: EU to support legal rights and ban GM Crops (11th November 2014)
- Daily Mail: Frankenstein foods slip into M&S: Anger as store puts GM food on shelves despite being opposed to engineered products (7th November 2014)
Sunday Times: We turfed out GM crops for a reason, but they won't wither and die (26th October 2014)
Subscription needed
- Feed Navigator: Germany set to see more widespread use of GM free soy label in coming months (14th October 2014)
- The Poultry Site: Food Retailers Demand Return to Non-GM Feed (16th September 2014)
- EurActiv: GMO lobby sees new Juncker Commission as bad news (16th September 2014)
- Farmers Weekly: Genetically modified crop harvested at Rothamsted (6th September 2014)
- Food Navigator: MEPs voice GM cultivation 'loophole' concerns: Member states mustn't face corporate court action (4th September 2014)
- The Guardian: Genome editing of crops may be restricted by EU rules, warn scientists (21st July 2014)
- Feed Navigator: EU feed industry on edge as it awaits approval of eight GM crops (17th July 2014)
- Press TV: Spain agriculture suffers from GMOs (12th July 2014)
- Farming Online:Organic farmers challenge EFRA Committee findings (3rd July 2014)
- FT: UK government should talk up benefits of GM crops (1st July 2014)
- Farming Life: Ritchie: Food security - time to review our plan (1st July 2014)
- Reuters: Germany to propose law regulating GMO crops - report (25th June 2014)
- Voice of Russia: GM crops could soon be grown in Britain (13th June 2014)
- Daily Mail: GM crops in England as soon as next year: Outrage as ministers back first commercial planting (13th June 2014)
- Farming UK: GM crops could be planted in the UK next year (13th June 2014)
- The Independent: GM crops could be planted in UK from next year as EU relaxes laws (13th June 2014)
- The Scottish Farmer: Defra in GM deal? (12th June 2014)
- The Ecologist: Potato blight - there's no need for GMOs! (10th June 2014)
- Sustainable Pulse: Bulgaria Stands Up to EU over Full Ban on GM Crops (3rd June 2014)
- The Ecologist: Deceitful compromise clears the way for GMO crops in Europe (31st May 2014)
- Reuters: UPDATE 2-EU member states back compromise to allow GM crops-diplomats (28th May 2014)
- Zee News: EU reaches compromise deal on GM crops: Sources (28th May 2014)
- Food Manufacture: Proposed GM law creates uproar (28th May 2014)
- Marianne Falck National bans on cultivation of GM crops: tactical manoeuvring in Berlin, lobbying in Brussels (27th May 2014)
- Greek Reporter: Greek EU Presidency Promotes GM Crops in Europe (21st May 2014)
- Prensa Latina: Genetically Modified Corn Worries Spanish Farmers (12th May 2014)
- Deccan Herald: Scientists for sale: The way multinationals 'buy' endorsements (9th May 2014)
- Daily Mail: Secret emails reveal how ministers plotted with the GM lobbyists (6th May 2014)
- France 24: French court says 'non' to genetically modified corn (5th May 2014)
- Teatro Naurale: Italy says no to GM crops (5th May 2014)
- The Guardian: Owen Paterson defends 'privatising' UK environmental science agency (1st May 2014)
- Sustainable Pulse: UK Government Ignores Scotland’s Opposition to GM Crops in EU (27th April 2014)
- Daily Mail: Ministers 'covering up secret meetings with GM food lobby': Owen Paterson refused a Freedom of Information request about talks over 'Frankenfood' (16th April 2014)
- Daily Mail: Would YOU take Frankenfish oil? UK-grown crop engineered to produce cod liver oil could be on shelves by 2020 (16th April 2014)
- The Grocer: British Poultry Council calls for wider EU 'acceptance' of GM (30th March 2014)
- The Ecologist: Say No to 'Roundup-ready' GM crops (17th March 2014)
- The Scottish Farmer: Paterson under GM pressure (16th March 2014)
- Daily Mail: Scientists' hidden links to the GM food giants: Disturbing truth behind official report that said UK should forge on with Frankenfoods (15th March 2014)
- The Ecologist: GMOs - Throwing precaution to the wind (15th March 2014)
- The Star: Calls for GM plants to be licensed (14th March 2014)
- Farming UK: Approve GM crops, adviser urges Cameron (14th March 2014)
- The Guardian: GM crops: are they safe to grow and eat? (14th March 2014)
The Telegraph: New push for GM, but its problems are not yet solved (14th March 2014)
Scroll down to second piece
- BBC: GM crops: UK scientists call for new trials (14th March 2014)
- Press Association: Calls for GM plants to be licensed (14th March 2014)
- Daily Mail: Speed up GM crops in UK, say scientists: They dismiss opponents' arguments as a 'neurosis' (14th March 2014)
- Farming UK: Environment groups condemn GM crop plan (11th March 2014)
- Farmers Weekly: Owen Paterson backs EU proposal to fast-track GM crops (10th March 2014)
- Frankfurther Rundschau: Laborfutter fuers Haehnchen [In German] (10th March 2014)
- Farmers Guardian: Environment groups condemn Government's pro GM stance (10th March 2014)
- Food Navigator: EU project aims for non-GMO alternative to soy for feed and food (7th March 2014)
- Farming UK: Sainsbury's test egg producers for GM feed (6th March 2013)
- European Voice: Compromise in sight on GM crops (6th March 2014)
- Food Navigator: Draft law to ban GM cultivation in EU countries is legally flawed, says Greenpeace (3rd March 2014)
- European Voice: Germany considers compromise on GM crops (3rd March 2014)
- Farmers Weekly: Opinion: Does farm technology make us smarter? (2nd March 2014)
- Reuters: GMO crops should have consumer focus - Sainsbury CEO (25th February 2014)
- The Ecologist: How GM food is finding its way into your diet (22nd February 2014)
- The Commission must not 'take risk' with 'untested' GM crop (18th February 2014)
- Farmers Guardian: Scientists develop blight resistant GM potato (17th February 2014)
- The Grocer: Blight-resistant potato reignites GM debate (17th February 2014)
- Reuters: France Moves to Ban GM Maize Planting in Short, Long Term (17th February 2014)
- Huffington Post: Revealed: How Genetically Modified Food Is Finding Its Way Onto Your Dinner Plate (17th February 2014)
- EDP24: New GM potatoes developed by Norwich scientists can withstand late potato blight (17th February 2014)
- Daily Mail: The GM potato that could be cropping up near you soon (16th February 2014)
- European Voice: Legal fights loom on GM crops (13th February 2014)
- Daily Mail: GM corn to be grown in Europe: EU due to approve cultivation of pest-resistant maize despite fierce opposition (12th February 2014)
- Europe Online: EU closes in on approval of unpopular GM maize amid election fears (11th February 2014)
- EU Observer: GMO maize vote highlights 'absurd' EU rules (11th February 2014)
- Agri.EU: Predominant majority of EU governments set to oppose approval of GM maize (11th February 2014)
- Sustainable Pulse: EU Set to Approve GM Maize 1507 Despite Rejection by 19 Countries? (11th February 2014)
- Irish Times: Nineteen EU states vote against GM maize proposal (11th February 2014)
- New York Times: Modified Corn a Step Closer to Approval in Europe (11th February 2014)
- BBC: EU set to grow more GM maize despite strong opposition (11th February 2014)
- Policy review: Supermarkets must help to protect the Monarch Butterfly by 'ending GM animal feed use' (31st January 2014)
- Farmers Guardian: UK could fall behind without investment in plant science (28th January 2014)
- Sustainable Pulse: GM Purple Tomatoes Set for EU Legal Problems over Human Testing (26th January 2014)
- BBC: Genetically-modified purple tomatoes heading for shops (24th January 2014)
- The Independent: First nutrient-enriched GM crops could be grown in the UK within months (24th January 2014)
- BBC: 'Fish oil' GM plant trial application submitted (24th January 2014)
- Daily Mail: Now gene experts will create fish oil without fish: GM crops could be grown this spring (24th January 2014)
- The Guardian: Fish oil could soon come from GM crop (24th January 2014)
- The Telegraph: GM crops containing fish oil nutrients could be grown in UK within months (24th January 2014)
- ITV: Scientists bid to begin field trials into fish oil GM crop (24th January 2014)
- Farming Online: Green Week: GM debate revived across Europe (23rd January 2014)
- Farming UK: MEPs reject GM crop for EU market (17th January 2014)
- The Guardian: America's GM backlash should give Britain food for thought (16th January 2014)
- Sustainable Pulse: European Parliament Rejects Cultivation of GM Maize 1507 (16th January 2014)
- Voice of Russia UK: GM crops: Britain held back in bio-technology by EU laws - MP (14th January 2014)
- FT: Brussels rejects 'anti science' criticism from UK Conservatives (14th January 2014)
- The Guardian: Owen Paterson: Embrace GM or risk becoming 'museum of world farming' (7th January 2014)
- Reuters: UK farm minister calls for EU to approve GM corn in vote (7th January 2014)
- The Scottish Farmer: Against GM maize (5th January 2014)
- The Ecologist: 2014 - the UK's GM-free year! (30th December 2013)
- Sustainable Pulse: EU Court Bans Cultivation and Sale of GM Potato Amflora (13th December 2013)
- Reuters: UPDATE 1-EU court annuls approval of BASF's Amflora GMO potato (13th December 2013)
- General Court of the European Union: The General Court has annulled the Commission ’s decisions concerning authorisation to pla ce on the market the genetically modified potato Amflora (13th December 2013)
- London South East: EU Court Bans Cultivation And Sale Of Amflora GM Potato Crop (13th December 2013)
- European Voice: Member states reject GM crops request (12th December 2013)
- Euractiv: Soyfood chief calls for harmonised GM food labels (6th December 2013)
- The Pig Site: Increasing Government Support for UK Agriculture (5th December 2013)
- Market Oracle: Genetically Modified Politicians Battle to Persuade the Public to Accept GM Food (29th November 2013)
- The Ecologist: Deformities, sickness and livestock deaths: the real cost of GM animal feed? (28th November 2013)
- Euronews: French researcher claims GM food lobbyists pulled study from journal (28th November 2013)
- The Journal: GM maize crop may get EU green light (27th November 2013)
- Farming UK: First containerised Indian Non-GM Soymeal available to UK feed sector (8th November 2013) (
- Science: After 12-Year Limbo, New GM Maize May Hit Europe's Fields (7th November 2012)
- Deutsche Welle: New breed of GM corn moves forward in EU (6th November 2013)
- Farming Online: Commission set to approve new GM maize variety (1st November 2013)
- Telegraph: Migrant farm labourers 'like a scene from a Van Gogh painting' (1st November 2013)
- Daily Mail: GM controversy is over, minister claims, and the public only care about the cost of food (25th October 2013)
- The House Magazine: Owen Paterson: Food Fighter (25th October 2013)
- The Guardian: Owen Paterson: the minister for GM hype (24th October 2013)
- The Guardian: Zac Goldsmith attacks Owen Paterson for calling anti-GM campaigners wicked (24th October 2013)
- Daily Mail: Scientists issue safety warning over GM food as Government pushes for public acceptance of controversial crop (21st October 2013)
- The Guardian: Owen Paterson, 'wickedness' and the fairy dust of science (15th October 2013)
- The Independent: Opponents of GM crops are 'wicked', says Environment Secretary Owen Paterson (13th October 2013)
- Farmers Weekly: Monsanto begins GM seeds retreat in EU (3rd September 2013)
- The Grocer: Sainsbury's and The Co-operative Group have extended their GM-free warning to premium pork lines (1st September 2013)
- Sustainable Pulse: Monsanto officially starts retreat from Europe (27th August 2013)
- Daily Mail: On sale in Tesco, GM cereal that makes children hyperactive: U.S. import of Lucky Charms contain artificial colours that UK watchdog urges manufacturers to avoid (24th August 2013)
Farmers Weekly: Spanish GM maize area increases by 20 percent (16th August 2013)
Note: figures are based on unverified company seed sales.
- AP: Divisive debate on genetically modified foods a battleground in US-Europe trade talks (2nd August 2013)
- France 24: Hollande vows to uphold ban on Monsanto GM corn (3rd August 2013)
- Farmers Guardian: Court overturns French ban on Monsanto GM maize (1st August 2013)
- Roll Call: GMO Soybeans Are Speed Bump in EU Trade Deal (26th July 2013)
- Farming UK: Farm tech strategy 'may create mega-farm dominated countryside' (23rd July 2013)
- The Scottish Farmer: Monsanto's GM retreat (23rd July 2013)
- The Telegraph: Food industry boost set to unite farmers and retailers (22nd July 2013)
- The Grocer: UK agriculture gets GBP160m to cultivate 'world-beating products' (22nd July 2013)
- Farming UK: Government to invest GBP160m in farming technology (22nd July 2013)
- Financial Times: Seeds of doubt: Europe is right to be cautious over GM crops (21st July 2013)
- Daily Mail: Frankenstein food firm 'quits' Europe: U.S. giant surrenders in face of public suspicion over its pesticide-resistant GM crops (18th July 2013)
- Reuters: Monsanto to pull E.U. approval requests (17th July 2013)
- FT: Monsanto to drop applications to grow GM crops in EU (17th July 2013)
- The Telegraph: Major GM company withdraws applications for new crops in Europe (17th July 2013)
Le Monde: Il n'y a plus d'experimentation d'OGM en plein champ en France (17th July 2013)
Reports that the latest trial of a GM crop in France (GM poplars) has been stopped.
- AgProfessional: Italy moves to ban growing of genetically modified maize type (16th July 2013)
- The Scottish Farmer: Supermarket GM feed blast (12th July 2013)
- AgProfessional: Britain divided over use of GM crops (9th July 2013)
- The Independent: Tory MP says pro-GM Environment Secretary Owen Paterson is 'industry puppet' (3rd July 2013)
- Farming UK: 61 percent of British farmers happy to grow GM crops but only 21 percent of consumers are in favour of GM food (3rd July 2013)
- The Ecologist: GM Manifesto: Not just a question of science (1st July 2013)
- Epoch Times: GMOs in Italian Artisan Foods: Traditions Impacted by Biotech? (30th June 2013)
- The Ecologist: UK Environment Secretary suffering from GM delusion (27th June 2013)
- Farming UK: Tesco accused of 'breaking promises' on GM feed (26th June 2013)
- Just Food: UK: WhiteWave's Alpro introduces non-GM labelling mark (25th June 2013)
- The Guardian: GM crops: the genetic colonialists (24th June 2013)
- Gazetta del Sud: Italian minister wants ban on GMOs (24th June 2013)
- ABC: Study: no yield advantage with GM crops (24th June 2013)
- The Guardian: GM crops won't help African farmers (24th June 2013)
- AllAboutFeed: UK govt will help GM companies remove barriers (24th June 2013)
- The Telegraph: Bitter taste of GM humble pie (22nd June 2013)
- The Telegraph: GM foods kept off the menu at Westminster (21st June 2013)
- The Guardian: The GM slow motion train wreck (21st June 2013)
- Public Service Europe: Non-GM farming in Europe 'outperforms' GM farming in US (21st June 2013)
- Channel 4 Fact Check: Has the environment minister struck gold on GM? (20th June 2013)
- FT: Lib Dems attack Owen Paterson as 'cheerleading for GM industry' (20th June 2013)
- The Information Daily: Environmental Secretary's GM crop push simply PR for industry (20th June 2013)
- The Guardian: Owen Paterson's cheerleading for GM crops to tackle hunger rings hollow (20th June 2013)
- Information Daily: Environmental Secretary's GM crop push simply PR for industry (20th June 2013)
- Daily Mail: Now Cameron backs genetically modified crops to prove Britain is pro-science (14th June 2013)
- The Telegraph: David Cameron: 'It is time to look again at GM food' (14th June 2013)
- Daily Mail: GM diet 'can lead to disease in pigs': Animals develop inflamed stomachs and other conditions when fed with 'Frankenstein foods' (13th June 2013)
- Farmers Weekly: Survey results: What farmers really think about GM (12th June 2013)
- The Guardian: Should restrictions on GM crops be relaxed? (12th June 2013)
- Daily Mail: Ease curbs on GM food, says Willetts: Science minister says crops could be used to feed the world (11th June 2013)
- The Independent: The agricultural revolution - UK pushes Europe to embrace GM crops (11th June 2013)
- The Grocer: GM DNA can be detected in foods from livestock (9th June 2013)
- Investigative Reporting Denmark: GMO lose Europe - victory for environmental organisations (29th May 2013)
- The Observer: M and S, Co-op and Sainsbury's say chickens will be fed on GM soya (12th May 2013)
- AllAboutFeed: EU retailers pledge support for Brazilian non-GMO soy (8th May 2013)
- Comment: The government's backing of GM foods is short-sighted and wrong (25th April 2013)
- The Independent: Genetically modified crops needed to 'feed the world,' says Government's chief scientific advisor Mark Walport
- The Guardian: Consumers should have the right to know if they are eating GM food (19th April 2013)
- Daily Mail: Let farms grow GM food, says PM's personal scientific adviser: Top adviser backs calls to relax rules on crops (18th April 2013)
- Farmers Weekly: Supermarkets misled on GM soya claims (17th April 2013)
- Farming Online: Brazilian exporters 'puzzled' by UK supermarket GM claims (16th April 2013)
- The Scottish Farmer: GM maize move leaves UK 'cold' (12th April 2013)
- The Grocer: Consumers don't trust supermarkets on GM food, poll finds (12th April 2013)
- The Grocer: Tesco drops resistance to GM feed for poultry (12th April 2013)
- Farmers Weekly: REACTION: Tesco drops non-GM for poultry (12th April 2013)
- The Grocer: Co-op ditches guarantee of non-GM feed for its poultry (12th April 2013)
- EUbusiness: Italy asks EU to halt GM maize cultivation (4th April 2013)
- Farmers Weekly: Sainsbury's to fund broiler feed research (1st April 2013)
- Independent Daily Express: Spain Leads EU in GM Crops, but No One Knows Where They Are (27th March 2013)
- Farming UK: Feed is contributing to climate change, says crop expert (18th March 2013)
- The Grocer: Stop the Crop campaign takes aim at GM crops in Europe (19th March 2013)
- Daily Mail: Time for Europe to let British farmers grow GM food, says environment minister (11th March 2013)
- FT: UK set for GM food push in Europe (8th March 2013)
- Farmers Weekly: FARMER FOCUS: going alone on GMs is worrying (3rd March 2013)
- The Grocer: Retailers urged not to relax rules on non-GM feed (21st February 2013)
- Daily Mail: Farmers push to lift supermarkets' ban on GM-fed hens as they argue conventional feeds are too expensive (18th February 2013)
- Farmers Weekly: Rothamsted plans GM winter wheat field trial (7th February 2013)
- Farming UK: Egg producers call on major retailers to abandon Non-GM rule (1st February 2013)
- Europolitics: BASF drops EU potato bid (30th January 2013)
- The Grocer: Stop horse play with food (and that includes GM) (26th January 2013)
- Food Navigator: EU health commissioner to prioritise talks on GM crop bans (24th January 2013)
- Nasdaq: Europeans Should Reconsider Suspicion of GM Crops - Lobby Group (22nd January 2013)
- Metro: GM food: A better way of farming or a health risk? (22nd January 2013)
- Farmers Weekly: GMs threaten our green and pleasant land (20th January 2013)
- Mother Jones: Enviro Crusader Turns Pro-GMO, Anti-Organic - And Anti-Logic (16th January 2013)
The Telegraph: Egg prices up 40 per cent (15th January 2013)
Egg prices have rocketed by 40 per cent over the past year as the cost of non genetically modified feed soars and new welfare rules come in, a new report shows.
- Polish Farmers Protest Sale of Land for GM Crops (15th January 2013)
- Daily Mail: Two in three shoppers demand GM product labels in embarrassing consumer backlash for government against 'Frankenstein foods' (9th January 2013)
- The Telegraph: GM food should be labelled by supermarkets - FSA (9th January 2013)
- The Grocer: FSA study sees consumer demand for GM feed labelling (9th January 2013)
- The Guardian: UK government's enthusiasm for GM not matched in developing nations (4th January 2013)
- The Guardian: Bad weather prompting more British farmers to favour GM use (4th January 2013)
- The Guardian: GM food: British public 'should be persuaded of the benefits' (3rd January 2012)
- The Warsaw Voice: Poland imposes farming bans on GM maize, potatoes (3rd January 2013)
- The Telegraph: Environment Secretary Owen Paterson tells farmers to push GM (3rd January 2013)
- Daily Mail: Ministers launch PR drive to shake off 'Frankenstein food' image of GM crops (3rd January 2013)
- The Telegraph: Zac Goldsmith attacks 'deceitful' David Cameron (18th December 2012)
- Daily Mail: 'Frankenstein food' a good thing? It's all great GM lies (17th December 2012)
- The Telegraph: The seeds of another GM row are sown (14th December 2012)
Reuters: U.S. trade deal could be a lot for Europe to swallow (11th December 2012)
The US wants to weaken EU regulations on GM crops and foods as part of a new trade deal.
- The Telegraph: Speed up roll-out of GM crops, says Downing Street (10th December 2012)
- EurActiv: Without Dalli, GMO foes hope for tougher EU policy (12th November 2012)
Farmers Weekly: Animal welfare concerns reduce during recession (6th November 2012)
Reports a Which? survey showing rising public concern over GM foods.
- The Scottish Farmer: GM charm campaign? (1st November 2012)
- Farmers Guardian: Row erupts over GM 'agenda setting' claims (1st November 2012)
- Public Service Europe: Has a deal been done to bring GM crops to Europe? (25th October 2012)
- The Scottish Farmer: Unlock the science! (18th October 2012)
- The Scientist: A Win for GM Crops (10th September 2012)
- The Local: WWF: We're all eating GM-based meat (21st August 2012)
- Public Service Europe: The unsuitable EU authorisation process for GM (20th July 2012)
- MSN News: The big answer: GM crops should not be grown in Britain (11th July 2012)
BBC: Time for a rethink on GM crops?
Industry lobbying from the Agricultural Biotechnology Council (ABC) which represents Monsanto and other GM companies.
- Daily Mail: In hot water, MP fan of Frankenstein food who got it wrong on M&S broccoli by saying it was genetically modified (26th June 2012)
- The Telegraph: David Willetts: more focus needed on agricultural research, including GM (26th June 2012)
- Financial Times: Research calls stir 'Frankenfood' debate (25th June 2012)
- BBC: UK bioscience industry gets GBP250m cash boost from government (24th May 2012)
- BakeryInfo: First UK GM wheat trial vandalised (22nd May 2012)
- The Guardian: French ban of Monsanto GM maize rejected by EU (22nd May 2012)
- The Guardian: GM crops: protesters go back to the battlefields (22nd May 2012)
- Farmers Weekly: Number of GM field trials in Europe in decline (21st May 2012)
- New York Times: An Entrepreneur Bankrolls a Genetically Engineered Salmon (21st May 2012)
- GMO Safety: Plant research in Europe: Few new GM plants (18th May 2012)
- Public Service Europe: The dangers of GM - Europe must learn the lessons from America (14th May 2012)
- Channel 4 News: Government must act to secure a sustainable food supply (13th May 2012)
- The Grocer: Morrisons' GM Muck Up (5th May 2012)
- Wales Online: Welsh farmer leads anti-GM crop protest against pioneering wheat crop experiment (3rd May 2012)
- Farmers Weekly: GM wheat trial begins amid high security (28th March 2012)
- The Scottish Farmer: Monsanto's GM maize retreat (26th January 2012)
- EurActiv: Disgruntled GMO firms start pulling out of EU market (26th January 2012)
- European Voice: BASF to end GM crop production for the EU (16th January 2012)
- The Guardian: Tories and Labour renew backing for GM food crops (5th January 2012)
- Farmers Weekly: GM crops: A new way forward (29th December 2011)
- External links
- EC study on new genomic techniques (29th April 2021)
L'infoOGM: UE - Suivi des dossiers d'autorisation d'OGM
Searchable database of EU authorisations of GMOs (in French)
- TestBiotech: EU Court of Justice strengthens the precautionary principle (14th March 2018)
- GM Freeze Briefing - Brexit and GM (November 2017)
- TestBiotech: Stop the import approval for new toxic soy! (October 2017)
- Scottish Government: GM crops and Brexit (6th August 2017)
- GM Freeze: Defra: multi-agency response to GM potato trial application 17/R29/01 (16th March 2017)
- The Sainsbury Laboratory: TSL submits application to DEFRA for approval to carry out a field trial on GM Potatoes (7th February 2017)
- Greenpeace: Commission fails to muster support for 3 GMOs (27th January 2017)
- GM Freeze and others: Defra: multi-agency response to GM wheat trial application 16/R8/02 (14th December 2016)
- TestBiotech: Legal dossier: Cultivation of genetically engineered maize in the EU has to be suspended (7th December 2016)
Consultation on proposed field trial of GM wheat in England: Genetically Modified Organisms: Rothamsted Research (16/R08/02) (4th November 2016)
Consultation deadline 21st December 2016.
- VLOG: New Procedures in Genetic Engineering (25th October 2016)
- European Commission: Glyphosate: Commission proposes the way forward - Statement by Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Vytenis Andriukaitis (1st June 2016)
- GUE-NGL: Parliamentary committee objects to Commission GMOs proposal (25th May 2016)
- GM Watch: Mark Lynas and Rothamsted make false claims to defend GMOs against deformed butterfly findings (3rd May 2016)
- The Greens: EU Parliament opposes re-approval of glyphosate for most uses (13th April 2016)
- European Parliament: Glyphosate herbicide: don’t renew its authorisation, urge MEPs (22nd March 2016)
- Greenpeace: Glyphosate licence renewal suspended in light of health concerns (8th March 2016)
- TestBiotech: Transgenic maize authorisation must be rescinded to prevent crossbreeding with new invasive species (25th February 2016)
- Corporate Europe Observatory: Key evidence withheld as 'trade secret' in EU's controversial risk assessment of glyphosate (17th February 2016)
- ANSES's Opinion on the carcinogenic nature of glyphosate for humans (12th February 2016)
- European Parliament: MEPs object to three GM soybean authorisations (3rd February 2016)
- European Parliament resolution of 16 December 2015 on Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2015/2279 of 4 December 2015 authorising the placing on the market of products containing, consisting of, or produced from genetically modified maize NK603 × T25
EU and Government of Aragon: Resultados de la red de ensayos de variedades de maiz y girasol en Aragon. Campanya 2014 (December 2015)
Reports that there were no significant differences in yields between non-GM and GM maize (Monsanto's Bt maize MON810) in 2014./p>
- European Parliament: Environment MEPs oppose new GM maize authorization (1st December 2015)
BUND: GM crops cultivation pipline (12th October 2015)
11th October 2015
- Restrictions of geographical scope of GMO applications/authorisations: Member States demands and outcomes
- French Ministry of Agriculture: Mais OGM : le Gouvernement confirme le moratoire [in French](17th September 2015)
EFSA scientific assistance to EC on the internal review against Commission Decisions to authorise genetically modified soybeans 305423, MON 87705 and MON 87769 (30th July 2015)
EFSA response to a complaint by GeneWatch UK and TestBiotech.
Bund: GM crops cultivation pipeline (November 2014)
23rd April 2015
- European Commission: More freedom for Member States to decide on the GMOs use for food & feed (22nd April 2015)
- European Commission - Fact Sheet Review of the decision-making process on GMOs in the EU: Questions and Answers (22nd April 2015)
- Greenpeace: Juncker's "Union of democratic change" undermined by corporate pressure on GM crops (20th April 2015)
- Monsanto blog: Dawn of a new era for GM crop cultivation in Europe? We wish it were so (27th February 2015)
Food Standards Agency: Biannual Public Attitudes Tracker Wave 9 November 2014
Reports increasing public concern about GM foods
- Welsh Government: Written Statement - The nationalisation of genetically modified crop cultivation decisions in the European Union (11th February 2015)
- Greenpeace Media Briefing: EU Parliament to adopt new GM crop national opt-out law (12th January 2015)
- GM Free Global Coalition: German Supermarket Giants Demand Return to GMO-Free Fed Poultry (2nd September 2014)
Bund: GM crops cultivation pipeline (July 2014)
2nd July 2014
Bund: GM crops cultivation pipeline (April 2014)
15th June 2014
- GMO-free EU under threat: Misleading proposal from Greek Presidency agreed in Coreper today (28th May 2014)
- Corportae Europe Observatory: Biotech lobby's fingerprints over new EU proposal to allow national GMO bans (27th May 2014)
- ARC2020: Beware the Greek Minister bearing a new GM proposal (24th March 2014)
Letter from Council of Science and Technology to the Prime Minister (24th November 2013)
Advocating planting GM crops in Britain and weakening current regulation. Published 14th March 2014.
GM Science Update: A report to the Council for Science and Technology (March 2013)
Report advocating using Britain as a test ground for GM crops and speeding up GM crop approvals, allowing Britain to go it alone and plant GM crops without the rest of Europe. Dated March 2013 but published in March 2014.
- GM Watch Press Release: "Independent" scientists promoting GM crops have conflicts of interest (14th March 2014)
- Food and Water Watch: Three Big Holes in New GMO Report, and a Bigger Question (14th March 2014)
- Food and Water Europe: UK Government Pressed on Pro-GM Position (11th March 2014)
Joint letter to the Deputy Prime Minister: Commercial cultivation of RoundUp Ready GM crops in England (10th March 2014)
10th March 2014
Joint letter to the Prime Minister: Commercial cultivation of RoundUp Ready GM crops in England (10th March 2014)
10th March 2014
- Greek presidency on nationalisation of GMO approval: flexibility, involvement of industry & in accordance with EFSA assessments? (1st March 2014)
- Greenpeace EU Unit: Oops! Commission does it again! (14th February 2014)
- CEO: Biotech lobby shuns consumers at "GMO consumer benefit" event (5th February 2014)
- Defra: Application from Rothamsted Research to release genetically modified camelina, reference 14/R8/01 (24th January 2014)
- Defra: Owen Paterson speech at EuropaBio (22nd January 2014)
- The Rt Hon Owen Paterson MP: Speech on Opportunity Agriculture At the Oxford Farming Conference (7th January 2014)
- Defra: Genetically Modified Organisms: applications and consents (22nd November 2013)
- EC: Questions and Answers on EU's policies on cultivation and imports of GMOs (6th November 2013)
- European Commission: GMO: Commission asks Council to agree on its proposal to grant Member States more subsidiarity on cultivation (6th November 2013)
- Genok: Assessments of techical dossiers submitted for EU approvals
- GMFreeze: The Paterson Speech on GM - Taking it up with your MP (August 2013)
- BIS and Defra: GBP160 million technology boost for UK agricultural industries (22nd July 2013)
- EU to vote on 'toxic mix maize' SmartStax in July (1st July 2013)
- Hillbeck et al. (2013) Farmers' choice of seeds in four EU countries under different levels of GM crop adoption
- Conservative Home: Heresy of the week: Owen Paterson is wrong about GM crops (28th June 2013)
- Defra: Rt Hon Owen Paterson MP speech to Rothamsted Research (20th June 2013)
- FoI request: Meeting between Prof Pollock and Defra Minister Lord de Mauley 19th June 2013
- Heinemann et al. (2013) Sustainability and innovation in staple crop production in the US Midwest
- Testbiotech Overview: Genetically engineered plants soon to be authorised for cultivation in the EU (March 2013)
- SpinWatch: The Repentant Environmentalist: Part 2 (27th February 2013)
- GM Watch: Lynas backs down and apologises to the Soil Association (5th February 2013)
- SpinWatch: The Repentant Environmentalist: Part 1 (30th January 2013)
- Union of Concerned Scientists: Science, Dogma and Mark Lynas (11th January 2013)
- Food First: Professor John Vandermeer challenges environmentalist Mark Lynas on GMOs (8th January 2013)
- GM-free Cymru: The Lynas School of pseudo-scientific environmentalism (6th January 2013)
CEE BankWatch Press Release: Monsanto Should Not Expand Relying on Public Money (19th November 2012)
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has provisionally approved a 40 million US dollars financial guarantee to cover Monsanto in case farming companies cannot pay for seeds or agrochemical products they committed to buy from the corporation. The support is to be offered by the EBRD for contracts made by Monsanto with medium and large farmers and distributors in Bulgaria, Hungary, Russia, Serbia, Turkey, and Ukraine.
- GM Freeze: UK GM field trials
BIS: Shaping a UK agri-tech strategy: call for evidence (11th October 2012)
Government consultation: deadline 22nd November 2012.
ABC: Going for Growth (June 2012)
Report by the Agricultural Biotechnology Council (ABC), an industry body which represents Monsanto and other GM companies, seeking more public subsidy for GM crops research in Britain.
TestBiotech: PlantGeneRisk Database on the authorisation of genetically engineered plants in the European Union
Database featuring independent scrutiny of EFSA recommendations to authorise GM crops in the EU.
European Commission: GM Food and Feed
A list of all GM food and feed allowed on the EU market, including crops approved for import and/or for cultivation.
European Commission Joint Research Centre: GMO Register
A register of all experimental and commercial releases of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in the EU.
Department for the Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA): Genetic Modification (GM)
Provides links to information on GM crops and food in the UK, including field trial sites, legislation, and government policy.
- Professor Brian Wynne: FSA dialogue resignation letter 1st June 2010