GM insects

Researchers have been experimenting with genetically modifying a variety of insects, including mosquitoes, fruit flies, moths and bollworms.
The Oxfordshire-based company Oxitec is the main company working in this area. Oxitec has close links to agri-business Syngenta: most of its senior staff and Board Members are ex-Syngenta staff and it has received a research grant from the company.
There are no specific regulations for GM insects in any country: this briefing describes how Oxitec has attempted to influence risk assessments and regulations for GM insects worldwide.
In the EU, the relevant legislation is the same as that for GM crops and food. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has issued guidance for the risk assessment of GM insects (including bees) prior to commercial releases, and held a consultation, but the issue of GM insects in the food chain has still not been addressed. Decisions on experimental releases are made in individual member states.
Under the Cartegena Protocol on Biosafety, when exporting GM insect eggs for open release to other countries, Oxitec is supposed to supply a risk assessment that meets EU standards and to copy this to the EU and UK authorities so it can be made publicly available. Oxitec has not followed this process correctly for any of its exports to date.
Oxitec sought to release GM diamond back moths (cabbage moths) in the UK in 2012 without any risk assessment but has been stopped following objections from GeneWatch UK and others. The company sought to bypass regulations by arguing (unsuccessfully) that its insects are "biologically contained" because they are programmed to die and that therefore the requirements for open releases of genetically modified organisms do not apply. There are new plans to revise the Contained Use Regulations for GMOs to allow approval of this kind of application in the future, without a full environmental risk assessment or any public consultation.
GM agricultural pests
Oxitec has developed genetically modified (GM) agricultural pests, including diamond back moths (cabbage moths), olive flies and fruit flies, for open release in large numbers into the environment. The intention is to release GM males (outnumbering wild males by 10 to 1 or more) to mate with wild females. The GM insects are genetically engineered so most of the female offspring die at the caterpillar stage, with the aim of suppressing the wild population. One of Oxitec's aims is to combine GM crops with GM insects, to slow the spread of resistance to the toxins in the GM crops.
In 2013, GM insects company Oxitec made an application to release GM olive flies in Spain and also applied to Brazilian regulators to release GM Mediterranean Fruit Fly (Medfly) there. Oxitec's plan to release GM olive flies in Spain was shelved following requests for further information from the regulators.
A GM pink bollworm moth (a cotton pest) also produced by Oxitec and containing a fluorescent marker gene (but sterilised using radiation) was released in 2006 to 2008 in the US as part of a plant pest control programme. GM bollworms are being developed in response to the development of resistance to the Bt toxin which is engineered into pest-resistant GM crops (Bt crops) such as maize and cotton.
GM mosquitoes
Controversial experimental releases of 3 million GM mosquitoes produced by Oxitec took place in the Cayman Islands (a British Overseas Territory which has no biosafety law) in 2009 and 2010. A smaller number of Oxitec's GM mosquitoes were released in December 2010 in Malaysia. In 2011 experiments began in Brazil, which are still ongoing. According to Oxitec, future experimental releases are planned in other countries. However, Vietnam has stated that it does not intend to release GM mosquitoes and plans in the US have been delayed pending a regulatory assessment.
This briefing summarises GeneWatch UK's concerns about releases of Oxitec's GM mosquitoes to date.
Oxitec and a number of academic research groups are also working on genetically modifying mosquitoes which are resistant to malaria. This approach would require GM mosquitoes to completely replace the wild mosquito population, which is very difficult to achieve.
Other insects
Other insects might be genetically modified in future, including beneficial insects such as bees.
The honey bee genome was completed in 2006 and in May 2011 Nature News reported that this might allow geneticists to "build a better bee". Plans to sequence thousands of insect and other arthropod genomes were announced in June 2011.
In November 2011, scientists reporting the completion of the spider mite genome argued that it could be used to reduce the mite's ability to reproduce. Completion of the Monarch butterfly genome was also announced.
- Consultation Responses
GeneWatch UK response to the EPA's 2nd consultation on release of Oxitec's GM mosquitoes in Florida and California
27th September 2021
GeneWatch UK comments to the US EPA on Oxitec OX5034 Aedes aegypti mosquitoes.
7th October 2019
GeneWatch UK comments on EPA-HQ-OPP-2017-0756: Application 93167-EUP-R from Oxitec Ltd.
27th March 2018
GeneWatch UK comments to USDA APHIS on the proposal to permit the field release of genetically engineered diamondback moth in New York (May 2017)
21st May 2017
GeneWatch UK comments on FDA Docket FDA-2014-N-2235: Oxitec OX513A Mosquitoes
16th May 2016
GeneWatch UK further comment on APHIS Docket No. APHIS-2014-0056: Environmental Assessment for the Field Release of Genetically Engineered Diamondback Moths
28th September 2014
GeneWatch UK comment on APHIS Docket No. APHIS-2014-0056: Environmental Assessment for the Field Release of Genetically Engineered Diamondback Moths
9th September 2014
GeneWatch UK: Response to WHO/FNIH consultation on GM mosquitoes
7th January 2013
GeneWatch UK response to the EPA's 2nd consultation on release of Oxitec's GM mosquitoes in Florida and California
- Parliamentary Questions
- Re: Cartegena Protocol not extended to the Cayman Islands (30th November 2010)
- Re: Redacted tetracycline document (25th January 2012)
- Re: tetracycline dose-response (25th January 2012)
- Re: UKTI support for Oxitec (30th November 2011)
- Re: Oxitec meetings with BIS ministers (30th November 2011)
- Re: UKTI financial support for Oxitec (29th November 2011)
- Re: Oxitec exports to Malaysia (14th November 2011)
- Re: Oxitec exports to Brazil (2nd November 2011)
- Re: Dates of Oxitec exports and notifications (2nd November 2011)
Re: Notifications for open release (28th February 2011)
Michael Meacher, MP, is incorrectly informed that GM mosquito eggs shipped by Oxitec to Brazil were for contained use only.
Re: Transboundary notifications (27th January 2011)
States that he date of the export of GM mosquito eggs to the Cayman Islands for release to the environment was 4 November 2009 and that all other exports have been for contained use.
- Re: Oxitec Cayman Islands Risk Assessment (13th January 2011)
- Re: Discussions between DEFRA and Grand Cayman (10th January 2011)
- Re: Cayman Islands loan (1st December 2010)
- Re: FCO and Cayman Islands (29th November 2010)
- GeneWatch briefings
- Joint report: Gene Drives. A report on their science, applications, social aspects, ethics and regulations (24th May 2019)
GeneWatch UK, Third World Network, African Centre for Biodiversity: Oxitec's failed GM mosquito releases worldwide: Forewarnings for Africa and the Target Malaria project
29th April 2019
Joint Briefing (French): Les moustiques genetiquement modifies au Burkina Faso: Une note de synthese a l'attention des Parties au Protocole de Carthagene sur la prevention des risques biotechnologiques
9th November 2018
Joint briefing: GM mosquitoes in Burkina Faso: A briefing for the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
9th November 2018
GeneWatch UK [In Portuguese]: Mosquitos Aedes transgenicos da Oxitec: Sera que funcionam mesmo?
8th July 2018
GeneWatch UK briefing: Oxitec's GM insects: Failed in the Field?
13th May 2018
Joint Briefing: GM mosquitoes in Burkina Faso
12th February 2018
Joint Briefing: Les moustiques genetiquement modifies au Burkina Faso
12th February 2018
GeneWatch UK Briefing: Oxitec's Genetically Modified Mosquitoes: Ready to roll out?
1st March 2017
GeneWatch UK Briefing: Oxitec's GM fruit flies: issues of concern
7th February 2017
- GeneWatch UK Briefing: Oxitec's genetically modified moths: summary of concerns (10th November 2015)
GeneWatch UK Briefing: Mosquitos Geneticamente Modificados de Oxitec: Un enfoque creible para abordar el problema del dengue?
12th April 2015
GeneWatch UK Briefing: Oxitec's Genetically Modified Mosquitoes: A Credible Approach to Dengue Fever?
23rd March 2015
GeneWatch UK Report: Genetically Modified Insect Factories: A New Source of Superbugs?
4th February 2015
GeneWatch UK briefing: Failures of the transboundary notification process for living genetically modified insects
28th September 2014
GeneWatch UK comments on Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) of GM mosquitoes in Panama (February 2014)
16th February 2014
GeneWatch UK and Friends of the Earth Spain: Con la mosca trangenica detras de la oreja [In Spanish] (18th September 2013)
Briefing on Oxitec's GM olive flies in Spanish.
GeneWatch UK briefing: Genetically Modified (GM) olive flies: A credible pest management approach? (September 2012)
17th September 2013
Third World Network: Genetically Modified Mosquitoes: Ongoing Concerns (2013)
Updated version of GeneWatch UK's 2012 briefing, published in Third World Network's biosafety series. Also available in Spanish.
Joint Briefing: Genetically-modified insects: under whose control? (November 2012)
8th November 2012
GeneWatch UK Briefing: Border issues with GM mosquito releases (October 2012)
5th October 2012
GeneWatch UK Briefing: Oxitec's GM Mosquitoes: Ongoing Concerns (August 2012)
9th August 2012
GeneWatch presentation (Tromso): Risk assessment of GM insects
23rd August 2011
- Malaysia GMAC: Response to GeneWatch UK
GeneWatch UK comments on Malaysian GMAC Risk Assessment for experimental releases of GM mosquitoes
4th January 2011
GeneWatch briefing: Oxitec's GM mosquitoes: in the public interest?
14th December 2010
- GeneWatch press releases
Joint PR: Civil Society Denounces the Release of GM mosquitoes in Burkina Faso
1st July 2019
- Joint PR: Release of risky GM mosquitoes in Burkina Faso highly unethical 9th November 2018
- GeneWatch UK PR: Failed in the Field? New evidence of failures of Oxitec's GM mosquito trials 13th May 2018
Joint PR: No benefit to imminent release of risky GM mosquitoes in Burkina Faso
12th February 2018
Joint PR: Un lacher imminent et risque de moustiques genetiquement modifies au Burkina Faso sans benefices escomptes
12th February 2018
- GeneWatch UK PR: New documents show Oxitec's GM mosquitoes ineffective and risky 3rd September 2017
- GeneWatch UK PR: Cornell Diamondback moth is just another GM failure 13th August 2017
- GeneWatch UK PR: GM mosquito questions still need answers 1st March 2017
- Joint PR: Court Documents Reveal Oxitec's Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes Could Cause Increased Numbers of Different Disease-Carrying Mosquitoes 28th September 2016
- Joint PR: Groups Question USDA and Cornell University Over Lack of Transparency in Genetically Engineered Moth Experiments 14th June 2016
- GeneWatch UK PR: Superbugs warning for genetically modified insect factories 4th February 2015
- GeneWatch PR: Caribbean Governments warned against GM mosquito releases 13th November 2014
- Joint PR: Alarm at renewed dengue emergency situation in municipality where GM mosquito trials conducted 7th July 2014
- GeneWatch UK PR: Genetically modified maggots expected in fruit imports after go-ahead for Brazil GM fruit fly experiments 3rd June 2014
- Joint Press Release: Brazil warned world's first commercial release of GM mosquitoes requires full public consultation (10th April 2014) 9th April 2014
- Comunicado de Prensa de GeneWatch UK: La falta de evaluacion de riesgos para los experimentos de mosquitos transgenicos es negligente, dice GeneWatch 12th February 2014
- GeneWatch UK PR: Lack of risk assessment for GM mosquito experiments is negligent, says GeneWatch 12th February 2014
- GeneWatch UK PR: Risks of Panama's GM mosquito experiments must not be hidden from the public 29th January 2014
- Comunicado de Prensa de GeneWatch UK: Los riesgos de los experimentos con mosquitos transgenicos en Panama no deben ocultarse a la poblacion 29th January 2014
- GeneWatch UK PR: Halt to plans to release GM olive flies in Spain welcomed 9th December 2013
- Joint Press Release: Non-native strains of genetically modified (GM) insects risk spread of pesticide resistance 3rd October 2013
- GeneWatch UK PR: Planned releases of genetically modified (GM) fruit flies should be halted until food contamination issues are addressed 3rd September 2013
- GeneWatch UK PR: Response to EFSA Guidance on risk assessment of GM animals 22nd May 2013
- GeneWatch UK PR: GM insects in food, environment: European Ombudsman investigates conflicts-of-interest at EU regulator 26th March 2013
- Joint PR: Regulatory decisions on releasing genetically modified (GM) insects biased by corporate interests 8th November 2012
- GeneWatch UK PR: GM mosquito trial results in Cayman pour cold water on claimed benefits (10th September 2012) 9th September 2012
- GeneWatch UK PR: Billions of genetically modified bugs will spread in fruit and veg under new EU proposals (23rd August 2012) 22nd August 2012
- GeneWatch UK Press Release: GM mosquito risks still not properly assessed (10th August 2012) 9th August 2012
- GeneWatch, Friends of the Earth, Third World Network PR: Company conceals evidence that genetically modified mosquitoes may have high survival rate in wild (12th January 2012) 12th January 2012
- GeneWatch PR: British Overseas Territory used as private lab for GM mosquito company 14th December 2010
Joint PR: Civil Society Denounces the Release of GM mosquitoes in Burkina Faso
- Press articles
- CourtHouse News Service: GMO mosquitoes set for release in California to quell disease (7th March 2022)
- CNN: First-ever US release of genetically modified mosquitoes begins in Florida Keys (30th April 2021)
- USA Today: The first genetically modified mosquitoes released in the U.S. to buzz in the Florida Keys (29th April 2021)
- WRLN: Nation's First Trial Of Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Starts In Florida Keys (26th April 2021)
- Futurism: Residents Furious at Release of 500 Million Gene-Hacked Mosquitoes (26th April 2021)
- Undark: First GMO Mosquitoes to Be Released In the Florida Keys (12th April 2021)
- EurActiv: Further guidance required for assessment of gene drive technology, says EFSA (16th November 2020)
- RA News: Why Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Won’t Come to Texas Anytime Soon (4th September 2020)
- CBS Miami: Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Will Be Released In Florida Keys To Combat Dengue, Zika (20th August 2020)
- Click2Houston: EPA approves release of GMO mosquitoes in Harris County: What has to happen before project can take off (20th August 2020)
- Keys News: Mosquito Control punt GM mosquito vote a month (21st July 2020)
- Miami Herald: Release of genetically modified mosquitoes in the Florida Keys on hold for now (21st July 2020)
- Maimi Herald: Keys having first outbreak of Dengue fever in 10 years (17th July 2020)
- Daily Post: Groups warn against release of genetically-engineered mosquitoes in Nigeria (7th July 2020)
- Organic Insider: EPA Displays Alarming Lack of Transparency When Approving GE-Mosquitos, 1B+ Set to be Released in Florida and Texas (1st July 2020)
- Digital Trends: Gene-edited mosquitoes are ready for the U.S. - but is the U.S. ready for them? (27th June 2020)
- EnviroNews Nigeria: Biosafety regulators to develop pathways for transgenic mosquitoes (26th June 2020)
- FLKeys Weekly: Mosquito District workshop focuses on Keys trials (25th June 2020)
- Boston Globe: Before genetically modified mosquitoes are released, we need a better EPA (22nd June 2020)
- CNN: Genetically engineered mosquitoes get EPA approval for Florida release despite objections from environmental groups (19th June 2020)
- The Hill: EPA faces suit over plan to release genetically engineered mosquitoes (15th June 2020)
- USA Today: Fact check: Genetically modified mosquitoes are cleared for release in the US (9th June 2020)
- Slate: What Should We Worry About When It Comes to Genetically Modified Mosquitoes? (8th June 2020)
- WHYY: Will genetic modification help control mosquitoes - or just create different ones? (8th May 2020)
- Miami Herald: Mutant mosquitoes one step closer to release in Florida, Texas this summer. Why? (7th May 2020)
- Keys Weekly: Feds approve Oxitec mosquito trial (7th May 2020)
- OneZero: Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes Could Soon Be Unleashed in the U.S. (6th May 2020)
- Mic: Swarms of genetically modified mosquitoes could soon be descending on Florida (6th May 2020)
- The Science Times: Genetically Engineered Male Mosquitos to be Released in Florida and Other Parts of US to Curb Zika and Dengue Spread (6th May 2020)
- WRLN: EPA Approves Genetically Modified Mosquito Trial For Florida Keys (3rd May 2020)
- Bloomberg Law: EPA Grants First Permit to Test Genetically Modified Mosquitoes (1st May 2020)
- New Scientist: Male moths genetically modified to kill females released in the wild (29th January 2020)
- Cosmos: Gene drives work more quickly against problem insects (21st December 2019)
- Cayman News Service: MRCU boss denies dead bees linked to spraying (4th December 2019)
- Cayman News: MRCU boss denies dead bees linked to spraying (4th December 2019)
- The Guardian: Wiping out the daughters: Burkina Faso's controversial mosquito experiment (18th November 2019)
- NPR: See A Controversial Swarm Of Genetically Modified Mosquitoes In A Lab In Italy (20th October 2019)
- The Telegraph: We don't want to be guinea pigs': how one African community is fighting genetically modified mosquitoes (8th October 2019)
- Correio: Indaiatuba investe no 'Aedes do bem' (5th October 2019)
- Keys Weekly: Locals respond to Oxitec's latest proposal for biologically modified mosquitoes (4th October 2019)
- Science News: Gene editing can make fruit flies into 'monarch flies' (2nd October 2019)
- Science Daily: CRISPRed fruit flies mimic monarch butterfly, and could make you vomit (2nd October 2019)
- The Conversation: Genetically modifying mosquitoes to control the spread of disease carries unknown risks (1st October 2019)
- Science: Dissent splits authors of provocative transgenic mosquito study (1st October 2019)
- Otempo: Tentativa de controlar Aedes pode ter criado 'supermosquito' transgenico (24th September 2019)
- SciDevNet: Investigacion sobre mosquitos transgenicos en el foco de la polemica (23rd September 2019)
- Digital Journal: Study on genetically modified mosquitoes prompts backlash (21st September 2019)
- Wired: Science is working on a fix to control gene-edited mosquitoes (19th September 2019)
- The Hindu: Transgenic mosquitoes transfer genes to native mosquito species (18th September 2019)
- La Vanguardia: Los mosquitos transgenicos alteran el ADN de sus congeneres naturales (18th September 2019)
- Voz da Bahia: Cruzamento entre Aedes comum e transgenico cria "super mosquito" da dengue na Bahia (18th September 2019)
- The Print: GM mosquito experiment to reduce dengue-causing species in Brazil fails (18th September 2019)
- Newsweek: Plan to Crush Native Mosquito Population With Gene-Edited Strain Fails - May Have Made Them Stronger Instead (17th September 2019)
- New York Post: Plan to kill off mosquitoes backfires, spawning mutant hybrid insects (17th September 2019)
- Daily Mail: Genetically modified mosquitoes designed to reduce native pest populations by making them infertile are instead breeding to create STRONGER hybrid offspring, report claims (17th September 2019)
- The Scientist: GM Mosquito Progeny Not Dying in Brazil: Study (17th September 2019)
- Science: Study on DNA spread by genetically modified mosquitoes prompts backlash (17th September 2019)
- E&E News: Trump ally pushes permit for genetically altered mosquito (16th September 2019)
- Rede Brasil Atual: Irresponsabilidade da CTNBio produz 'super mosquito' da dengue (14th September 2019)
- Asharq Al-Awsat: Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Spread in Brazil (14th September 2019)
- Miami Herald: It could be mosquito vs. mosquito in the Keys to combat dengue and Zika (13th September 2019)
- Deutsche Welle: Genetically modified mosquitoes breed in Brazil (13th September 2019)
- WLRN: GMO Mosquitoes Proposed Again For Keys - As New Study Finds They Can Interbreed With Wild Insects (12th September 2019)
- Cayman News Service: GM mozzies pass on altered gene (11th Seotember 2019)
- Transgenic mosquitoes pass on genes to native species (11th September 2019)
- Yale News: Transgenic mosquitoes pass on genes to native species (10th September 2019)
- Cayman Compass: Genetically modified mosquitoes transfer genes into natural populations (10th September 2019)
- Vice: We May Soon Be Able to Wipe Out Mosquitos - But at What Cost? (7th September 2019)
- El Pais: Mosquitos modificados geneticamente para vencer a la malaria (3rd September 2019)
- El Tribuno: Dudas sobre el uso del mosquito modificado (2nd September 2019)
- Folha de Sao Paulo: O "supermosquito" que nunca existiu (2nd August 2019)
- IOL: How Uganda plans to fight malaria using genetically-modified mosquitoes (30th July 2019)
- KFM: Genetically modified Mosquito not magic bullet to end malaria (30th July 2019)
- NTV: UVRI to start production of genetically modified mosquitoes in Entebbe (29th July 2019)
- NTV: Ugandan Scientists to produce genetically modified mosquitoes (29th July 2019)
- Diario de Noticias: Plano para erradicar paludismo em S.Tome com mosquito geneticamente modificado (15th July 2019)
- 20 Minutes: OGM: Les animaux genetiquement modifies sont-ils un risque pour la nature? (7th July 2019)
- Le Monde: Au Burkina, un premier lacher de moustiques genetiquement modifies cree la polemique (5th July 2019)
- Modern Ghana: Civil Society Denounces the Release of GM mosquitoes in Burkina Faso (3rd July 2019)
- Fasozine: Lachage de 6 400 moustiques genetiquement modifies: Target Malaria rassure… (2nd July 2019)
- Info Plus Gabon: Lacher de 6400 moustiques genetiquement modifies a l'ouest du Burkina Faso (2nd July 2019)
- Fasozine: Moustiques genetiquement modifies: le lachage prevu pour ce lundi 1er juillet, la Copagen et le CCAE avertissent! (1st July 2019)
- Jornal da Regiao: Itupeva vai contar com 'Aedes do Bem' no combate a dengue (18th June 2019)
- MassLive: Could lab-grown insect meat be the future of food? These Tufts University researchers believe so (3rd June 2019)
- Globo: Continuidade do 'Aedes do Bem' em Piracicaba depende de investimento, diz prefeitura (7th May 2019)
- Wired: Science moves closer to killing malaria with mutant mosquitos (26th March 2019)
- TPR: Scientists Release Controversial Genetically Modified Mosquitoes In High-Security Lab (20th February 2019)
- Hawaii News Now: Hawaii lawmakers want to fight mosquitoes ... with more mosquitoes (7th February 2019)
- Cayman News Service: Oxitec packs up but evaluation not complete (5th February 2019)
- Cayman Compass: Joint mosquito research project comes to a close (5th February 2019)
- The Washington Post: Combating malaria by modifying mosquitoes could save thousands of lives. It’s also risky. (5th February 2019)
- The Telegraph: GM mosquitoes: playing with God or the only way to wipe out malaria? (5th February 2019)
- Loop Cayman: Joint Oxitec-MRCU 2018 research project ends (4th February 2019)
- CMR: Government finally admits Oxitec is out 3 months after CMR report (4th February 2019)
- Geographical: From gene editing to robotic honey bees: the pollinator crisis and new technology (18th January 2019)
- 150 sec: 'Frankenbees' or flying bioweapons - a glimpse on the dark side of bee technology (7th December 2018)
- The Times: Malaria trial pays Africans to be bitten (1st December 2018)
- The Washington Post: 'Gene drive' research to fight diseases can proceed cautiously, U.N. group decides (30th November 2018)
- WLRN: GMO Mosquito Application Withdrawn - But Another Is On The Way (28th November 2018)
- Cayman Compass: Minister: No more funds for genetically modified mosquito program (25th November 2018)
- The Guardian: GM mosquito trial sparks 'Sorcerer's Apprentice' lab fears (25th November 2018)
- The Telegraph: GM mosquito pilot abandoned as officials admit it did not work (25th November 2018)
- Cayman 27: GMO project ends, Seymour: It was not working (23rd November 2018)
- Cayman News Service: Minister claims GM mosquitoes didn't work (23rd November 2018)
- Klima der Gerechtigkeit: Burkina Faso's Mosquito Controversy: Consent, awareness and risk assessment in Target Malaria's gene drive project (20th November 2018)
- Cayman27: MRCU director awaits data from GMO mosquito trials (19th November 2018)
- Cayman27: Controversial GMO mosquito programme not over despite ceasing releases (15th November 2018)
- Cayman Compass: GM mosquito release halted (13th November 2018)
- Scientific American: Africa Doesn't Need Genetically Modified Mosquitoes (13th November 2018)
- Cayman27: Mozzies release stopped, MRCU, Oxitec assessing project data (13th November 2018)
- MIT Technology: United Nations considers a test ban on evolution-warping gene drives (13th November 2018)
- Cayman News Service: MRCU to stop releasing GM mosquitoes (12th November 2018)
- The Print: Zika, dengue spreading- Should India invest in GM mosquitoes or make better pesticides? (29th October 2018)
- FranceTVinfo: La societe civile burkinabe organise la resistance contre les moustiques OGM (25th October 2018)
- Benin Web TV: Burkina: des moustiques OGM contre le paludisme creent la controverse (23rd October 2018)
- Le 360 Afrique: Burkina Faso: les moustiques OGM contre le paludisme loin de faire l'unanimite (23rd October 2018)
- FirstPost: Zika outbreak in Rajasthan: Genetic modification a solution to mosquito menace? Labs are buzzing (23rd October 2018)
- Sciences et Avenir: Burkina: controverse autour de moustiques OGM contre le paludisme (22nd October 2018)
- The Guardian: Invasion of the 'frankenbees': the danger of building a better bee (16th October 2018)
- Fasozine: Lachage de moustiques genetiquement modifies: "C'est un acte criminel..." (12th October 2018)
- Le Faso: Projet 'Target Malaria' : Une veritable catastrophe pour la sante et l'environnement, selon la Coalition pour la protection du patrimoine genetique africain (8th October 2018)
- The Independent: US military plan to spread viruses using insects could create 'new class of biological weapon', scientists warn (6th October 2018)
- The Guardian: US plan to genetically alter crops via insects feared to be biological war plan (4th October 2018)
- New York Times: Viruses Spread by Insects to Crops Sound Scary. The Military Calls It Food Security. (4th October 2018)
- Inf'OGM: Burkina Faso - 10 000 moustiques OGM bientot dissemines (24th September 2018)
- Wired: Here's the Plan to End Malaria With Crispr-Edited Mosquitoes (24th September 2018)
- The Atlantic: No One Knows Exactly What Would Happen If Mosquitoes Were to Disappear (24th September 2018)
- Wired: A swarm of mutant mosquitoes is out to eradicate malaria (21st September 2018)
- Express: La premiere pierre vers l'eradication definitive du paludisme a peut-etre ete posee cette semaine (6th September 2018)
- Cayman Compass: Government working on mosquito eradication plan (3rd September 2018)
- Cayman News Service: Oxitec not ruled out by MRCU (3rd September 2018)
- Cayman News Service: MRCU aims to eradicate Aedes aegypti (30th Auggust 2018)
- Cayman Compass: Cayman seeks new plan to combat mosquitoes (30th August 2018)
- The Hindu: Govt may swat GM mosquitoes (19th August 2018)
- Rede Brasil Atual: Oxitec fecha fabrica e expoe fracasso da criacao do mosquito transgenico (27th July 2018)
- NCYT: Mosquitos transgenicos para combatir dengue, chikunguna, zika y fiebre amarilla (27th July 2018)
- 27 News: MCRU still assessing the impact of mozzies (24th July 2018)
- Sul 21: Britanicos obtem documentos sobre ineficacia dos mosquitos transgenicos (24th July 2018)
- Rede Brasil Atual: Britanicos obtem documentos sobre ineficacia dos mosquitos transgenicos (24th July 2018)
- Globo: Fechamento de fabrica de Aedes transgenico nao afeta projeto em Piracicaba, diz prefeitura (23rd July 2018)
- GeekWire: Gates Foundation teams with Oxitec on new breed of malaria-blocking mosquito (19th June 2018)
- Globo: Indaiatuba inicia liberacao de nova geracao do 'Aedes do Bem' nesta quarta-feira (25th May 2018)
- Rede Brasil Atual: Questionados em territorio britanico, Aedes transgenicos voam livres no Brasil (24th May 2018)
- 27 News: MRCU and Oxitec sign new agreement: Roll out starts next week (24th May 2018)
- R7: Mais de 130 mil 'Aedes do bem' sao soltos em Indaiatuba contra dengue (23rd May 2018)
- Cayman News Service: MRCU signs new 600k dollar deal with Oxitec (22nd May 2018)
- Maimi Herald: Previous GMO mosquito project's success may have been overstated, emails reveal (17th May 2018)
- Cayman Compass: Release of genetically modified mosquitoes to resume this month (21st May 2018)
- Cayman Compass: Letter: MRCU's Wheeler responds (21st May 2018)
- Cayman Compass: EDITORIAL - GM mosquito response (cont'd) (16th May 2018)
- Cayman Compass: Letter: MRCU responds to GeneWatch FOI release (16th May 2018)
- Cayman News Service: Cover-up over GM mozzie project denied (16th May 2018)
- Cayman Compass: EDITORIAL - The revealing (and disturbing) MRCU/Oxitec emails (15th May 2018)
- Cayman News Service: GM mozzie trial in WB may have failed (15th May 2018)
- Cayman Compass: Scientists cast doubt on GM mosquito impact (15th May 2018)
- Cayman Compass: Emails reveal GM mosquito program impact was overstated (14th May 2018)
- Maimi Herald: This firm would like to release GMO mosquitoes in the Keys. The EPA wants your thoughts. (8th May 2018)
- WLRN: Want A Say On GMO Mosquito Trial? You Just Got Another 30 Days (8th May 2018)
- Miami Herald: Mosquito season could get longer and more hazardous to your health - especially in Miami (1st May 2018)
- Le Faso: Moustiques OGM au Burkina Faso : Les inquietudes de la COPAGEN
- Jeune Afrique: L'oeil de Glez : les moustiques OGM, cauchemar ou solution contre le paludisme? (20th April 2018)
- Fasozine: Moustiques OGM au Burkina: la Copagen tire la sonnette d'alarme (6th April 2018)
- Folha de S. Paulo: Justica autoriza Oxitec a comercializar mosquito transgenico (26th March 2018)
- Gauchazh: Justica autoriza empresa a comercializar Aedes aegypti modificado (23rd March 2018)
- FLKeysNews: Here's your chance to weigh in on GM bugs (9th March 2018)
- El Pais (Colombia): Opinion: el debate sobre la liberacion de mosquitos transgenicos en Cali (5th March 2018)
- FLKeysNews: How best to kill skeeters? Experts pitch their plans (23rd February 2018)
- KeysWeekly: Mosquito: Oxitec is courting the Keys again (20th February 2018)
- Cayman News Service: Success of GM mozzie project queried by MRCU (20th February 2018)
- FLKeysNews: City Council drafts letter of support for GM bug release (16th February 2018)
- BizCommunity: Release of sterile mosquitoes a "publicity stunt" (14th February 2018)
- Cayman Compass: Government backs away from genetically modified mosquito rollout (14th February 2018)
- Cayman iNews: Oxitec did not release enough mosquitoes to protect Piracicaba (14th February 2018)
- PBS: The future of genetically modified mosquitoes could be in mini, moveable labs (11th February 2018)
- FL Keys News: Bug board convenes experts for advice (10th February 2018)
- Folha de S. Paolo: Oxitec nao soltou mosquitos suficientes para proteger Piracicaba (5th February 2018)
- Globo: Previsao para liberar nova geracao do 'Aedes do Bem' em Indaiatuba e para abril, afirma Prefeitura (24th January 2018)
- FLKeysNews: Oxitec hopeful for GM mosquito release this year (20th January 2018)
- FL Keys News: A year of new developments for Mosquito Control (23rd December 2017)
- Keys News: Oxitec files with EPA to release GM mosquitoes (16th December 2017)
- Stock Island Times: EPA approves MosquitoMate, Oxitec files GM Mosquito application (16th December 2017)
- Technology Review: Farmers Seek to Deploy Powerful Gene Drive (12th December 2017)
- BioSpectrum: UC researchers to test the genetic control of mosquitoes in India (21st November 2017)
- The Hindu: Can gene drive wipe out all mosquitoes? (11th November 2017)
- Nature: US government approves 'killer' mosquitoes to fight disease (6th November 2017)
- Cayman News Service: GM antibiotic-dependent mosquitoes (20th October 2017)
- The Scientist: GM Mosquitoes Closer to Release in U.S. (13th October 2017)
- The Scientist: Gene Drive Limitations (9th October 2017)
- The Wire: New Moves in the World’s Fight Against Dengue, With an Eye on India (9th October 2017)
- Vietnam Net: Vietnam to have dengue fever vaccine from next year (2nd October 2017)
- The Student Newspaper: The suicide swarm: mosquitoes to halt the spread of disease (30th September 2017)
- RBA: Brasil e citado em relatorio britanico contra Aedes transgenico (26th September 2017)
- Daily Messanger: Gene-altered moth trial in Ontario County raises hopes - and worries (21st September 2017)
- Globo: Prefeitura instala armadilhas em nova etapa do projeto 'Aedes do Bem' em Juiz de Fora (13th September 2017)
- Cayman News Service: Oxitec bio-bugs 'ineffective and risky', claim activists (8th September 2017)
- The Cayman Reporter: GM mosquitoes 'ineffective and risky' (6th September 2017)
- The Epoch Times: GM Moths Released in US for First Time: A Major Step for 'Frankenbugs' (5th September 2017)
- Cayman Compass: Watchdog group criticizes genetically modified mosquito project (5th September 2017)
- Cayman News Service: Aeriel spraying underway ahead of peak mozzie season (29th August 2017)
- Scientific American: Sex Battle in the Sky: Genetically Modified Moths to Take Flight in New York (25th August 2017)
- Globo: Profissionais iniciam orientacao sobre implantacao do Aedes aegypti modificado em bairros de Juiz de Fora (21st August 2017)
- Globo: 'E dificil a gente ser otimista em relacao ao meio ambiente nos 250 anos de Piracicaba', afirma professor universitario (21st August 2017)
- Infectious Disease Advisor: Second Dose of Tetravalent Dengue Vaccine Candidate Shows Enhanced Immunogenicity (18th August 2017)
- Sustainable Pulse: GM Moths Shown to Fail Ahead of New York State Release (15th August 2017)
- KPBS: Study Finds Public Pushing Back On Genetically Modified Mosquitoes (15th August 2017)
Globo: Melhoria genetica vai prolongar efeito do 'Aedes transgenico' (8th August 2017)
Reports that Brazilian regulators have approved the release of female-killing-only GM mosquitoes.
Rede Brasil: Novo Aedes transgenico reforca tese da ineficacia da tecnologia e de seus riscos a saude (3rd August 2017)
Refers to new Oxitec application to release 'female killing only' GM mosquitoes in Brazil
- Prince Edward Island Guardian: Caught in a tangled net (2nd August 2017)
- WLRN: Keys Test New Way To Eradicate Mosquitoes By Infecting Them With Bacteria (27th July 2017)
- Cayman Compass: Local Cayman's mosquito chief heads to Miami (27th July 2017)
- EcoWatch: Organic Farmers Fight Release of GMO Moths (24th July 2017)
- RBA: Mosquitos transgenicos ganham espaco em meio a falhas e manipulacoes (23rd July 2017)
- Epoch Times: USDA Approves Release of GM Moths in New York (20th July 2017)
- American Agriculturalist: GMO concerns 'bug' modified diamondback moth release (17th July 2017)
- Science News: GM moth trial gets a green light from USDA (14th July 2017)
- JCNET: Mosquito transgenico contra dengue sera levado para Juiz de Fora (11th July 2017)
- Daily Mail: Robots with artificial intelligence and infrared sensors are waging war on disease-carrying mosquitoes (11th July 2017)
- Smithsonian Mag: Genetically Modified Moth May Soon Be Coming to New York Crops (11th July 2017)
- Growing Produce: Can Genetic Engineering Put an End to Diamondback Moth Plague? (7th July 2017)
- MIT Technology Review: Genetically Engineered Moths Coming to a Cabbage Patch Near You (7th July 2017)
- The Indian Express: Scientists arming new weapon against dengue, malaria - mosquitoes (3rd July 2017)
- Cayman Compass: Islandwide GM mosquito release approved (15th June 2017)
- Inc.: The Future of Drone Technology Lies in These Genetically Modified Dragonflies (5th June 2017)
- Mercacei: Un comite internacional investiga el impacto ambiental y socioeconomico de introducir una mosca del olivo geneticamente modificada (5th June 2017)
- The Scientist: Gene Drive's Achilles Heel (22nd May 2017)
- Digital Journal: Study — Disease-causing insects resistant to gene manipulation (22nd May 2017)
- EcoWatch: Will New York Become the First State to Allow Genetically Engineered Moths? (22nd May 2017)
- The Conversation: Gene drives may cause a revolution, but safeguards and public engagement are needed (5th May 2017)
- ABC: Scientists calling for national discussion on gene-editing technology (2nd May 2017)
- SciDev.Net: GM drive against malaria: Treading a fine line (2nd May 2017)
- ABC: Florida tests bacteria-infected mosquitoes to kill off bugs (18th April 2017)
- NBC News: Zika Found in Common Backyard Asian Tiger Mosquito (14th April 2017)
- Bloomberg: Genetically-Engineered Moths Spark Debate Over Biotech Bugs (18th April 2017)
- Dallas News: Dallas County officials hope to be the next stop for genetically modified mosquitoes (10th April 2017)
- The Star: Dengue vaccine approved, conditionally (7th April 2017)
- Cayman Compass: Concern over national rollout of genetically modified mosquito project (2nd April 2017)
- Cayman Compass: Plan hatched to release GM mosquitoes across Cayman Islands (28th March 2017)
- Gizmodo: Houston Is the Next Battleground in the GMO Mosquito War (28th March 2017)
- FLKeysNews: New mosquito control buildings won't be finished in time (25th March 2017)
- Testbiotech: Gene drive made in Goettingen (23rd March 2017)
- ABC News: Use of genetically modified mosquitoes considered in Houston (20th March 2017)
- PRI: The pros and cons of 'gene drives' (20th March 2017)
- Nikkei: Takeda expects to launch a better dengue vaccine (17th March 2017)
- STAT: In a remote West African village, a revolutionary genetic experiment is on its way - if residents agree to it (14th March 2017)
- MIT Technology Review: In Africa, Scientists Are Preparing to Use Gene Drives to End Malaria (14th March 2017)
- TSS: Mosquito transgenico: un parche tecnologico para el dengue (9th March 2017)
- Saint Peters Blog: Genetically modified mosquito trial in Keys could begin this year, company scientist says (10th March 2017)
- FLKeysNews: Wolbachia trial site narrowed down (8th March 2017)
- Miami Herald: Zika may be spread by up to 35 species of mosquitoes, researchers say (28th February 2017)
- WLRN: Sterile Mosquito Test Moving Forward In Keys (23rd February 2017)
- FLKeysNews: First travel-related Zika case of 2017 reported (15th February 2017)
- Miami Herald: How one city in Puerto Rico is fighting Zika - without using chemicals (3rd February 2017)
- FLKeysNews: FDA wants public comment on mosquito regulation (1st February 2017)
Science Daily: Genetically modified insects could disrupt international food trade (1st February 2017)
- CaymanNewService: US non-profit backs local anti-GM mosquito campaign (1st February 2017)
- Nature: Gene drives thwarted by emergence of resistant organisms (31st January 2017)
- Cayman Compass: Anti-GM mosquito group launches new campaign (31st January 2017)
- Cayman News Service: GM project cuts mozzies by over 80 percent (26th January 2017)
- Cayman Compass: As Zika fears fade, new threats loom (29th January 2017)
- Science: Proposed U.S. biotech rules raise industry hopes and anxieties (27th January 2017)
- Healio: India begins outdoor caged trials of genetically modified mosquitoes (26th January 2017)
- Cayman Compass: GM mosquitoes making an impact in West Bay (26th January 2017)
- Cayman Compass: EDITORIAL - Taking a swat at Cayman's mosquitoes (26th January 2017)
- FLKeysNews: Trial site, FDA approval needed for Oxitec GM release (25th January 2017)
- The Hindu: GM mosquito trials to control dengue, chikungunya launched (25th January 2017)
- El Expreso: Combatiran dengue con mosquitos transgenicos (20th January 2017)
- BioTechniques: Why a Major Zika Outbreak Won't Hit the US (19th January 2017)
- Fresh Plaza: GM medflies show promise in eradicating the pest in Australia (19th January 2017)
- Televisa: Desarrollan en Campeche proyecto de mosquito transgenico (18th January 2017)
- ABC: Genetically modified fruit flies show promise in eradicating expensive Medfly (18th January 2017)
- Entomology Today: New Federal Report on Aedes Mosquitoes Could Signal Shift in How Zika Virus and Other Pathogens are Researched (18th January 2017)
- The Cayman Reporter: Zika GM project likely to expand (15th January 2017)
- Florida Record: FDA backs down from releasing genetically modified mosquitoes after lawsuit threatened (8th January 2017)
- Big News Network: Brazil: dengue vaccine tested on volunteers (4th January 2017)
- Olive Oil Times: Oxitec's Australian Medfly Trials Proceed (3rd January 2017)
- FLKeysNews: GM mosquito controversy was top story of 2016 for bug board (28th December 2016)
- Miami Herald: Keys doctor still wants to swab noses in GM bug trial (28th December 2016)
- GantNews: Inside China's 'mosquito factory' fighting Zika and dengue (28th December 2016)
- The Guardian: Outbreaks like Zika distract us from other medical emergencies (28th December 2016)
- Farm Weekly: Trial to tackle Medfly breeding cycle (22nd December 2016)
- FLkeysNews: Bug board codifies Oxitec contract (21st December 2016)
- Produce Business UK: Oxitec's 'self-limiting' GM medfly ready for open field trials (21st December 2016)
- Huffington Post: A Prescription for Smart Government Rulemaking (20th December 2016)
- Fresh Fruit Portal: Oxitec's 'self-limiting' GM Medfly ready for open field trials (13th December 2016)
- Gizmodo: If Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Freaked You Out, You Won't Like What's Coming (13th December 2016)
- The Hill: Serious scrutiny needed as EPA seeks input on cancer ties to Monsanto herbicide (12th December 2016)
- New York Times: No New Local Zika Transmissions in Florida, Governor Says (9th December 2016)
- Friends of the Earth: Victory! GE mosquitoes will not be let loose on Florida community (7th December 2016)
- Allgemeine Zeitung: Mit Gentechnik gegen die Olivenfliege (26th November 2016)
- The Guardian: Genetically modified mosquitoes could be released in Florida Keys by spring (26th November 2016)
- FLKeysNews: Legal action threatened against FDA over Oxitec decision (25th November 2016)
- FLKeysNews: Bug board OKs Oxitec trial (23rd November 2016)
- Health News Florida: GMO Mosquito Opponents Turn Toward Courts (23rd November 2016)
- Florida Keys News: Coalition to sue over GM mosquitoes (23rd November 2016)
- AFP: First dengue vaccine goes on sale in Guatemala (23rd November 2016)
- The Cayman Reporter: Florida Keys activist warns Cayman residents against GM mosquitoes (23rd November 2016)
- Motherboard: Florida Needs a New Place to Release Genetically-Modified Anti-Zika Mosquitoes (21st November 2016)
- Cayman Compass: Dry weather brings possible end to mosquito season (21st November 2016)
- The Eagle: Texas A and M researcher: Mosquitoes hold key to Zika fight (20th November 2016)
- Keys News: GM mosquito test to move ahead (20th November 2016)
- STAT: Field trial of genetically modified mosquitoes gets approval in Florida (19th November 2016)
- FLKeysNews: Vote on GM mosquito trial is Nov. 19 (18th November 2016)
- Miami Herald: Miami-Dade considers new weapon in Zika fight: disease-fighting bacteria (11th November 2016)
- ArsTechnica: Site of GM mosquito trial uncertain after locals vote against being "guinea pigs" (10th November 2016)
- Cayman Compass: Florida Keys voters reject, and approve, GM mosquitoes (9th November 2016)
- FLKeys News: Countywide voters in favor of GM mosquito release but not Key Haven residents (8th November 2016)
- Science: Florida voters to weigh in on GM mosquito releases: What are the issues? (7th November 2016)
- Folha de S. Paulo: Empresa de biotecnologia quer vender moscas transgenicas no Brasil (6th November 2016)
- Miami Herald: Miami-Dade to consider deploying GMO mosquitoes in fight against Zika (3rd November 2016)
- PRI: Zika's million-dollar question: Where are the birth defects? (1st November 2016)
- Cayman Compass: New policy for vetting genetically modified imports (27th October 2016)
- MIT Technology Review: Are Altered Mosquitoes a Public Health Project, or a Business? (27th October 2016)
- CenarioMT: Cientistas afirmam que combate ao Aedes exige associacao de varios metodos (25th October 2016)
- The Jakarta Post: World's first dengue vaccine now available in Indonesia (25th October 2016)
- The San Diego Union Tribune: India's Tata gives UCSD USD70M in hot area of genetics (23rd October 2016)
- National Geographic: Mosquitoes May Meet Their End Thanks to Marlon Brando (21st October 2016)
- American Free Press: Plan to Release Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Sparks Serious Concerns Among Health Activists (21st October 2016)
- FLKeysNews: Wolbachia-infected bugs approved for March trial (19th October 2016)
- FiveThirtyEight: Small Island, Big Experiment (18th October 2016)
- Keys Net: Oxitec: Drug resistant bacteria not a threat (17th October 2016)
- FLKeysNews: Key West group fires back at Oxitec (15th October 2016)
- Science: Brazil will release billions of lab-grown mosquitoes to combat infectious disease. Will it work? (13th October 2016)
- Globo: Piracicaba tera fabrica de mosquitos geneticamente modificados (11th October 2016)
- Cayman News Service: NGOs query GM mosquito success risk (4th October 2016)
- Reuters: Sanofi's dengue vaccine approved in 11 countries (4th October 2016)
- Channel News Asia: Dengue vaccine Dengvaxia approved for use in Singapore (4th October 2016)
- CenarioMT: Biotecnologia para combater Aedes aegypti sera debatida nesta quinta (3rd October 2016)
- The Cayman Reporter: Court documents reveal risks associated with release of Oxitec's GE Mosquitoes (30th September 2016)
- WMFE: Genetically Modified Mosquito Talk Draws Protester In Orlando (30th September 2016)
- Cayman iNews: Court documents reveal Oxitec's Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes could cause increased numbers of different disease-carrying mosquitoes (29th September 2016)
- The Diplomat: New Dengue Vaccine Potential Game Changer for Asia (27th September 2016)
- La Prensa: Ministry reports 370 zika cases in Panama (26th September 2016)
- The Indian Express: India not likely to introduce vaccine for dengue this year due to limited data, clinical trials (21st September 2016)
- FLKeysNews: Doctor proposes Key Haven nasal swabs if GM mosquitoes released (17th September 2016)
- Consumer Reports: Fighting Zika With Genetically Modified Mosquitoes (14th September 2016)
- Scientific American: Harnessing the Power of Gene Drives to Save Wildlife (14th September 2016)
- NPR: Miami Begins Using New Mosquito Trap In Zika Control Efforts (13th September 2016)
- Cayman Compass: West Bay seniors get lowdown on Zika (12th September 2016)
- Grupo Liberal: 'A Anvisa nao sabe o que fazer com a gente', afirma especialista (11th September 2016)
- Outbreak News Today: Paraguay approves Dengvaxia, 5th Latin American country to do so (10th September 2016)
- Cayman News Service: GM mosquito offspring begin to appear in field test (7th September 2016)
- Cayman News Service: MRCU on full scale Zika attack (7th September 2016)
- Straits Times: Zika outbreak: Wolbachia project shows promise in Australia (7th September 2016)
- Chron: Brazil scientists: Culex mosquito not transmitting Zika (6th September 2016)
- Grupo Liberal: Piracicaba amplia soltura de mosquito transgenico contra dengue (6th September 2016)
- The New American: Floridians Oppose FDA-approved Genetically Modified Mosquitoes (6th September 2016)
- The Daily Observer: US and Cuba to host Zika forum (4th September 2016)
- FL Keys News: Oxitec rep explains '14.3 million mosquitoes' in FDA report (3rd September 2016)
- FL Keys News: Pro-GM mosquito PAC to pass out petition (2nd September 2016)
- Wall Street Journal: Mosquitoes Are Deadly, So Why Not Kill Them All? (2nd September 2016)
- Cayman 27: GMO project releases one millionth mosquito (1st September 2016)
- STAT: Caution on new dengue vaccine: In some countries, harm outweighs benefit (1st September 2016)
- FL Keys News: Oxitec’s U.S. owner forms PAC to promote GM mosquito release ahead of referendum (30th August 2016)
- Tribuna Campeche: Traerian moscos transgenicos combatir al aedes aegypti (30th August 2016)
- El Eco de Sunchales: Detras del Aedes aegypti, asunto social o científico? (26th August 2016)
- Channel News Asia: NEA to release bacteria-carrying mosquitoes in former clusters to fight dengue (27th August 2016)
- New York Times: In Florida Keys, Some Worry About 'Science and Government' More Than Zika (25th August 2016)
- FLKeysNews: Agreement places district staffers under Oxitec's control (25th August 2016)
- FL Keys News: Bug board still struggling over proposed Lower Keys building (19th August 2016)
- Cayman News Service: GM mosquito survey claims broad support (15th August 2016)
- US News: Florida Locals Bugged by Proposed Release of Genetically Modified Mosquitoes (15th August 2016)
- The Guardian: Zika virus: Floridians fear 'Pandora's box' of genetically altered mosquitos (14th August 2016)
- GMA: Brazil launches first dengue vaccine campaign – drug maker (13th August 2016)
- The Blue Paper: Part Two of an Evaluation of the Risks vs. Benefits of the Proposed Release of GMO Mosquitoes in Florida (12th August 2016)
- WHO Bulletin: Promising new tools to fight Aedes mosquitoes (August 2016)
- The Atlantic: How to Beat Dengue and Zika: Add a Microbe to Mosquitoes (8th August 2016)
- Globo: EUA aprovam 'Aedes transgenico'; teste comprova ausencia de impacto (6th August 2016)
- Washington Examiner: Florida Keys voters to decide on genetically altered bugs to fight Zika (6th August 2016)
- FLKeys News: FDA approves release of GM mosquitoes in the Lower Keys (5th August 2016)
- Reuters: U.S. closer to testing engineered mosquitoes that could fight Zika (5th August 2016)
- The Globe and Mail: Brazil opens probe as cases of Zika babies defy predicted patterns (3rd August 2016)
- ABC News: Bring Zika-Fighting GMO Mosquitos to Puerto Rico, Says Congressman (3rd August 2016)
- PRI: Brazil now has doubts that Zika alone causes birth defects (2nd August 2016)
- The Cayman Reporter: 20,000 mozzies released in West Bay (29th July 2016)
- The Cayman Reporter: Public advised to keep using bug spray, mosquito repellants (29th July 2016)
- Ag Policy: More unresolved GMO issues (29th July 2016)
- Cayman News Service: 20,000 GM mosquitoes released in WB (28th July 2016)
- Biotechin.Asia: First dengue vaccination program in the Americas starts in Parana State of Brazil (28th July 2016)
- FLKeys News: Mosquito Control chief leaving for North Carolina job (28th July 2016)
- The Cayman Reporter: Jamaica considers establishing similar unit after delegation visits MRCU (28th July 2016)
- Cayman News Service: Judge calls for 'rigorous monitoring' of GM mosquito release (27th July 2016)
- The Cayman Reporter: Who is behind the 0pposition to GM Mosquito project? (26th July 2016)
- Cayman News Service: Stay lifted paving way for GM mosquito release (26th July 2016)
- Cayman Compass: Judge: GM mosquito project can proceed (26th July 2016)
- Cayman Compass: Judge denies request to halt GM mosquito release (25th July 2016)
- Cayman Compass: Judge rejects GM mosquito review (25th July 2016)
- The Cayman Reporter: OT leaders focus on Zika on final day of pre-JMC meeting (25th July 2016)
- Global Times: Lab churns out infertile male mosquitoes to control insect population (25th July 2016)
- Cayman News Service: Judge rejects anti-GM mozzie application (25th July 2016)
- Grupo Liberal: 'Aedes do bem' nao sera adotado pelas prefeituras da RPT (23rd July 2016)
- Diario de Pernambuco: Fiocruz identifica mosquito Culex com potencial de transmissao do vírus Zika no Recife (21st July 2016)
- Globo: Pesquisa comprova que pernilongo tambem transmite vírus zika (21st July 2016)
- The Star: Containing Zika's spread could be complicated by new discovery (21st July 2016)
- The Washington Post: Zika is found in common Culex mosquitos, signaling a potentially larger risk (21st July 2016)
- Der Spiegel: Aedes Aegypti Mosquito: Fighting the Most Dangerous Animal in the World (21st July 2016)
- Cayman Compass: Judge to rule Monday on release of GM mosquitoes (20th July 2016)
- Cayman Reporter: Judges rules on GM mosquito project Monday (21st July 2016)
- Market Watch: CORRECTED: Oxitec's genetically-engineered mosquitoes connected to 91% drop in Brazilian neighborhood's dengue fever cases
- The Cayman Reporter: Premier knocks anti-GM mosquitoes campaign (19th July 2016)
- Cayman News Service: GM mosquito release approval 'flawed' argues QC (19th July 2016)
- Cayman Compass: Judicial review of GM mosquito plan gets under way (19th July 2016)
- Globo: Aedes transgenicos sao soltos na regiao central de Piracicaba, SP (19th July 2016)
- Cayman News Service: GM mosquito release approval 'flawed' argues QC (19th July 2016)
- The Cayman Reporter: Mosquito controls to be ramped up (18th July 2016)
- Reporte Indigo: Mosquitos transgenicos, nuevos combatientes (18th July 2016)
- The Cayman Reporter: MRCU frustrated by delayed mosquito release (18th July 2016)
- Cayman Compass: House-to-house survey begins on mosquito plan (17th July 2016)
- Cayman News Service: 75,000 GM mosquitoes destroyed (15th July 2016)
- El Pais: Primera prueba de que los mosquitos transgenicos reducen enfermedades (15th July 2016)
- The Cayman Reporter: GM mosquito release halted (14th July 2016)
- BBC: Zika epidemic will end in three years, study suggests (14th July 2016)
- Cayman Compass: Mosquito release halted by legal challenge (14th July 2016)
- Cayman News Service: Activists delay planned release of GM mosquitoes (14th July 2016)
- The Cayman Reporter: All systems ready for GM mosquito release (13th July 2016)
- Cayman Compass: Inside the mosquito 'factory' (10th July 2016)
- Cayman Reporter: GM mosquito release starts next week (8th July 2016)
- New York Times: Release of Altered Mosquitoes to Start in Cayman Islands (7th July 2016)
- Reuters: France's Sanofi partners U.S. Army to speed up Zika vaccine (6th July 2016)
- Lab Manager: Benign Bacteria Block Mosquitoes from Transmitting Zika, Chikungunya Viruses (5th July 2016)
- ABC: Fighting Zika in the US: The Battle Over GMO Mosquitoes (5th July 2016)
- Cayman Compass: GM mosquito release delayed (4th July 2016)
- Prensa Latina: Dengue Vaccine Enters Final Phase Trial in Brazil (27th June 2016)
- Caribbean News Now: Dengue vaccine approved in Costa Rica (24th June 2016)
- Keys News: GM mosquito vote pushed back (23rd June 2016)
- The Sydney Morning Herald: Bill Gates wants modified mosquitos to fight malaria, zika, dengue (17th June 2016)
- Inquirer: Campaign vs dengue widened (16th June 2016)
- Konknet: Letter to the editor / Florida Keys Mosquito Control Commissioner, District 3 (16th June 2016)
- The Cayman Reporter: Bush: Halt genetically modified mosquito release (14th June 2016)
- STAT: Gene drive debate must include voices from Africa, elsewhere (15th June 2016)
- Corporate Crime Reporter: Groups Question USDA and Cornell University Over Lack of Transparency in Genetically Engineered Moth Experiments (15th June 2016)
- Cayman News Service: Scientists hit back at anti-GM mosquito claims (15th June 2016)
- Cayman News Service: GM insect release will go ahead, says premier (14th June 2016)
- Cayman Compass: West Bay MLAs call for GM mosquito release delay (13th June 2016)
- Farm Weekly: Chemical collection (13th June 2016)
- The Baltimore Sun: Selling controversial Zika-fighting plan to the public will take work (10th June 2016)
- Forbes: Bill Gates: Some People Think Eradicating Mosquitoes With Genetics Is Scary, But I Don't Think It Will Be (10th June 2016)
- New Scientist: Souped-up 'gene drives' may help eliminate pests and diseases (8th June 2016)
- LRN: Majority Of Key Haven Survey Respondents Oppose GMO Mosquito Test (8th June 2016)
- Fox News: Idea to use genetically modified mosquitoes to potentially lower spread of disease opposed (6th June 2016)
- Indianapolis Recorder: High-tech mosquitoes could combat Zika virus (6th June 2016)
- Infection Control Today: Survey Suggests Lack of Support for Novel Way to Combat Mosquito That Carries Disease (6th June 2016)
- Focus Taiwan: U.S. to conduct clinical trials on dengue fever vaccine in Taiwan (6th June 2016)
- Cayman Compass: Petition calls for halt to GM mosquito release (5th June 2016)
- Reporter Diario: 'Aedes aegypti' transgenico sera solto no centro de Piracicaba (2nd June 2016)
- Globo: Apos teste, Piracicaba amplia uso de mosquito Aedes aegypti transgenico (31st May 2016)
- Farm Weekly: GM insects trialled to control medfly (1st June 2016)
- Smithsonian Magazine: Malaria, Zika and Dengue Could Meet Their Match in Mosquito-Borne Bacteria (31st May 2016)
- Cayman News Service: Oxitec to release 200,000 GM mosquitoes weekly (25th May 2016)
- Cayman News Service: Petition launched to stop release of GM mosquitoes (31st May 2016)
- Maine News Online: Company wants FDA to grant emergency approval for genetically modified mosquitoes' use in fight against Zika (26th May 2016)
- Caribbean360: Cayman Islands residents given assurances as GM mosquitoes set to be released (26th May 2016)
- Bloomberg: Oxitec's Plan to End the Zika Virus (25th May 2016)
- Cayman Compass: Scientists move to quell GM mosquito concerns (25th May 2016)
- Cayman News Service: Oxitec to release 200,000 GM mosquitoes weekly (25th May 2016)
- Nature: US reviews plan to infect mosquitoes with bacteria to stop disease (24th May 2016)
- WGCU: Genetically Modified Mosquitos Rub Keys Residents The Wrong Way (24th May 2016)
- Cayman Compass: Meeting on GM Mosquito release (23rd May 2016)
- Infection Control Today: Zika Virus Tool Predicts Most Interventions to Be Cost-Effective (23rd May 2016)
- Reporter Diario: Numero de mortes por dengue cai 90 percent em SP (21st May 2016)
- Cayman News Service: NCC approves GM mosquito release (19th May 2016)
- Cayman Compass: Millions of GM mosquitoes to be released (19th May 2016)
- Smithsonian: Kill All the Mosquitoes?! (June 2016)
- Wall Street Journal: Florida Town Wary of Fighting Zika With Biotech Mosquito (18th May 2016)
- The Japan News: Time to counter the threat of disease-carrying mosquitoes (14th May 2016)
- Cayman News Service: Activists in US raise alarm over GM mosquitoes (16th May 2016)
- The Times of India: Mysuru institute tests GM, disease-resistant silkworms (15th May 2016)
- Brasil 247: Novo ministro quer usar polemico mosquito transgenico contra a dengue (13th May 2016)
- Portland Press Herald: What do you fear more: Zika, or GMO mosquitoes? FDA wants to know (12th May 2016)
- MIT Technology Review: The Plan to Rescue Hawaii's Birds with Genetic Engineering (11th May 2016)
- The New Indian Express: Breed mosquitoes infected with bacteria to tackle Dengue (10th May 2016)
- Caribbean News Now: Effectiveness of genetically modified mosquito release in Cayman Islands disputed (10th May 2016)
- The Antigua Daily Observer: Michael says A and B may need to consider new mosquito control methods (10th May 2016)
- Cayman News Service: NGO challenges claims on GM mozzies (9th May 2015)
- Science Line: An easy solution to the war on Zika? (9th May 2016)
- The Cayman Reporter: New partnership to control mosquitoes through genetic engineering (7th May 2016)
- Associated Press: Millions of GM mosquitoes to fight Zika virus in Caymans (6th May 2016)
- AA: Cayman Islands to use GM mosquitoes to stop Zika (6th May 2016)
- Diario go Grande ABC: Cidade do PR vai usar 'Aedes' transgenico contra a dengue (5th May 2016)
- Cayman Compass: Genetically engineered mosquitoes to be released in Grand Cayman (5th May 2016)
- Miami Herald: Grand Cayman to release 'Frankenflies' to battle disease-carrying mosquitoes (5th May 2016)
- Reuters: Infected Mosquitoes Can't Transmit Zika Virus, Study Finds (4th May 2016)
- The Atlantic: The Other Zika Mosquito (2nd May 2016)
- The Sunday Times (Sri Lanka): Dengue breakthrough: Lanka agrees to preventive vaccine trial (1st May 2016)
- Washington Post: New discovery means more U.S. states will face a risk from Zika (29th April 2016)
- The Star: Best ways to control dengue (27th April 2016)
- ABC: North Queensland mosquito trial success brings hope in fight against dengue, Zika (27th April 2016)
- Daily News: Sri Lanka aiming at new dengue vaccine (26th April 2016)
- Global Justice Ecology Project: Intrexon Stocks Fall - Exposed for Being a Sham of a Corporation (26th April 2016)
- The Atlantic: Genetically Modified Mosquitoes: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (26th April 2016)
- FT: Scientists zero in on mosquito DNA to repel malaria transmission (24th April 2016)
- Hiru News: France's dengue vaccine to be tested in Sri Lanka (24th April 2016)
- PR Newswire: Harwood Feffer LLP Announces Investigation of Intrexon Corporation (22nd April 2016)
- Nature: Why transgenic insects are still not ready for prime time (22nd April 2016)
- Yahoo Finance: EQUITY ALERT: Rosen Law Firm Announces Investigation of Securities Claims Against Intrexon Corporation - XON (22nd April 2016)
- ABC: Florida Families Threaten to Sue If Subjected to Zika-Fighting Mosquito Experiment (22nd April 2016)
- Benzinga: Intrexon Responds To Seeking Alpha Post, Citron Chimes In (22nd April 2016)
- Nasdaq: Intrexon: The Public Markets' Theranos Part 1 - Zika Virus Hype Is Nonsensical (21st April 2016)
- Tui Tre News: Dengue fever vaccine expected in Vietnam (20th April 2016)
- The Star: World's first dengue vaccine seeing good results (20th April 2016)
- AP: GMO Mosquito Plan Headed for Residents' Vote in Florida Keys (20th April 2016)
- Local 10 ABC: Residents oppose potential release of genetically modified mosquitoes (19th April 2016)
- MIT Technology Review: The Extinction Invention (13th April 2016)
- Folha de San Paulo: Anvisa dara aval temporario a pesquisas com aedes transgenico (12th April 2016)
- Straits Times: Parliament: NEA to conduct field study on Wolbachia-Aedes mosquitoes (12th April 2016)
- Globo: Anvisa deve conceder registro temporario a mosquito transgenico (12th April 2016)
- WLRN: Key Haven Residents Oppose GMO Mosquito Test (12th April 2016)
- Rede Brasil Atual: Anvisa decide que mosquito transgenico e objeto de regulacao sanitaria (12th April 2016)
- Neonic-resistant bees? Not on the horizon, says York University researcher (12th April 2016)
- ONUBR: OMS oferece apoio a paises que desejarem adotar novas tecnicas contra Aedes aegypti (12th April 2016)
- Straits Times: Dengue vaccine could be approved here in six months: Health Sciences Authority (12th April 2016)
- Nature World News: Zika Update: Canada Develops Cheap Way Of Killing Mosquito Eggs Using Old Car Tires (11th April 2016)
- Washington Times: Genetically modified mosquitoes for Zika fight worry Floridians (10th April 2016)
- South China Morning Post: Hong Kong and China can’t escape Zika virus, warns doctor fundraising for test kit (7th April 2016)
- USA Today: Nobody is completely sure which mosquito spreads Zika virus in Brazil (7th April 2016)
- AP: Poll: Some key gaps in Americans' knowledge about Zika virus (7th April 2016)
- Daily Mail: Inside the factory at the forefront of the fight against Zika: Chinese lab sterilises mosquitoes to halt the spread of diseases (6th April 2016)
- Albany Daily Star: Researchers developing honeybees can survive in Canada Winter (6th April 2016)
- PRI: Nobody is completely sure which mosquito spreads Zika in Brazil (6th April 2016)
- KSL: Philippines launches world's first mass dengue vaccination (4th April 2016)
- Times of India: New vaccine regimen shows promise against Chikungunya virus (1st April 2016)
- Daily Mail: In war on Zika mosquitoes, Puerto Rico starting at 'square one' (1st April 2016)
- Cenario MT: Tecnicos apontam alternativas para combate ao mosquito Aedes aegypti (31st March 2016)
- The Hill: Groups sue FDA over genetically engineered salmon (31st March 2016)
- SunStar: WHO expected to issue guidelines on dengue vaccine use in April (30th March 2016)
- International Business Times: Science, Public Health And 'Mutant' Mosquitoes: Proposed Florida Keys Experiment Sparks Bitter Debate Over Genetically Modified Aedes Aegypti (29th March 2016)
- Harvard Gazette: Deploying mosquitoes against Zika (28th March 2016)
- The Globe and Mail: WHO may be leading Brazil down wrong path on Zika virus (24th March 2016)
- Globe and Mail: WHO may be leading Brazil down wrong path on Zika virus (24th March 2016)
- La Estrella de Panama: Cientificos, a la caza del virus del Zika (23rd March 2016)
- The Alternative Daily: 4 GM Insects You May Not Know About (22nd March 2016)
- Healio: Technology to eliminate invasive mosquito vectors raises ethical issues (22nd March 2016)
- Brasileiros: Cientistas calculam os riscos de o zika chegar a 100 cidades do mundo (22nd March 2016)
- KeysInfoNet: Tell the FDA no to genetically modified mosquitoes (22nd March 2016)
- UOL: Com aval do MP, Aedes transgenico vai para centro de Piracicaba (SP) (20th March 2016)
- World Health Organisation: Mosquito (vector) control emergency response and preparedness for Zika virus (18th March 2016)
- KeysInfoNet: Not enough known about GM mosquitoes (18th March 2016)
- Reuters: WHO backs trials of bacteria, genetic modification to fight Zika mosquitoes (18th March 2016)
- KeysInfoNet: Now's not the time, and the Keys aren’t the place for GM mosquitoes (17th March 2015)
- Science Alert: Researchers inject dengue into vaccinated volunteers and find 100 percent were protected (17th March 2016)
The Reporter (Belize): GM mosquitoes are safe to propagate, says U.S.(17th March 2016)
Reports that Dominica, however, refused to take part in the trials, saying that the answer would remain "no" until Oxitec could provide evidence that the mosquitoes are safe.
- MIT Technology Review: Altered Mosquitoes Quietly Tested in the U.S. (17th March 2016)
- Publico: Una vacuna experimental muestra una eficacia del 100 percent contra el dengue (17th March 2016)
- IBT: Zika Virus And ‘Mutant Mosquitoes’: Biotech Companies See Opportunity In Promising New Technologies, But Critics Urge Caution (16th March 2016)
- Reuters: Infrastructure inequality is catalyst for Brazil's Zika epidemic (15th March 2016)
- Daily Mail: GM mosquitoes get closer to release in Florida (14th March 2016)
- Washington Post: FDA: No significant impact from test of modified mosquitoes (11th March 2016)
- Entomology Today: A Report from the Summit on the Aedes aegypti Crisis in the Americas in Brazil (14th March 2016)
- Reuters: Mosquitoes' rapid spread poses threat beyond Zika (13th March 2016)
- Fox News: Things to know about GMO mosquito test proposed in Florida (11th March 2016)
- AP: Things to know about GMO mosquito test proposed in Florida (11th March 2016)
- RAPS: FDA: 'No Significant Impact' to Environment From Genetically Engineered Mosquito Trial (11th March 2016)
- CNN: FDA says GMO mosquito likely OK to fight Zika in Florida (11th March 2016)
- New York Times: Test of Zika-Fighting Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes Gets Tentative F.D.A. Approval (11th March 2016)
- EXAME: UE se prepara para enfrentar zika na chegada do verão (10th March 2016)
- The Straits Times: Dengue vaccine not foolproof but 'better than none' (10th March 2016)
- CBC: Zika virus: new ways to fight mosquitoes needed after dengue failure, WHO says (9th March 2016)
- UNISINOS: Mosquito transgenico: jogar os insetos nos ecossistemas nao resolve casos de zika e dengue. Entrevista especial com Silvia Ribeiro (9th March 2016)
- Reuters: Mosquito spraying may not stop Zika, other methods needed: WHO (9th March 2016)
- Times of India: Bacteria-laden mosquitoes can control Zika (8th March 2016)
- CNN: Stopping Zika: Here come the mutant mosquitoes (7th March 2016)
- New York Times: A Biotech Evangelist Seeks a Zika Dividend (5th March 2016)
- PBS: A Mosquito Common In U.S. May Transmit Zika, Study Finds (4th March 2016)
- Business Standard: Brazilian scientists detect Zika in another mosquito (4th March 2016)
- PBS: Can mutant mosquitoes be used to fight Zika and dengue fever? (3rd March 2016)
- Reuters: Research indicates another common mosquito may be able to carry Zika (3rd March 2016)
- STAT: Mosquitoes don't bug rich tourists on Marlon Brando's island: Here's why that matters (3rd March 2016)
- Bioentrepreneur: GM mosquitoes fire first salvo against Zika virus (1st March 2016)
- Time: The war against mosquitoes (29th February 2016)
- Tele: La Udelar ofrecera apoyo al MSP en cinco aspectos del combate al dengue (26th February 2016)
- MIT Technology Review: Bacteria-Laden Mosquitoes May Be the Cheapest Way to Stop Dengue and Zika (26th February 2016)
- Globo: Vinte bairros da Grande Vitoria vao receber mosquito transgenico (24th February 2016)
- Globo: Governo do ES comeca a fazer teste para detectar o virus da zika (23rd February 2016)
- Reuters: Brazil to fight Zika by sterilizing mosquitoes with gamma rays (23rd February 2016)
- Seeking Alpha: So much for Intrexon's genetically modified mosquitoes, Brazil elects to use irradiation method (23rd February 2016)
- UOL: Brasil precisa misturar acoes para combate efetivo do Aedes aegypti (22nd February 2016)
- Super: Mosquito 'transgenico' nao e solucao contra zika; entenda por que (22nd February 2016)
- Folha: Recomendacao da OMS reacende disputa sobre aedes transgenico (20th February 2016)
- Trinidad and Tobago Guardian: Insect Vector Unit goes in (19th February 2016)
- ABC: New super-infected mosquito strain could help fight dengue, Zika viruses (18th February 2016)
- MIT Technology Review: Inside the Economics of the First GM Mosquito (17th February 2016)
- Keys News: Mosquito director targets Zika virus (17th February 2016)
- Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica: Health Minister Says No to genetically-Modified Mosquitoes (16th February 2016)
- Reuters: Genes, bugs and radiation - WHO backs new weapons in Zika fight (16th February 2016)
- Vox: Can genetically modified mosquitoes stop the Zika virus? Here's what we know (16th February 2016)
- El Espectador: Panama decreta alerta sanitaria contra el zika (16th February 2016)
- Ultimo Segundo: Entenda a tecnologia radioativa que promete conter o Aedes aegypti (16th February 2016)
- Jornal de Brasilia: MP investiga eficiencia do 'Aedes' transgenico em Piracicaba (16th February 2016)
- Miami Herald: Despite Zika threat, plan to test ‘Franken-fly’ in Keys remains in federal review limbo (14th February 2016)
- UOL: ONU desenvolve metodo com radiacao para destruir virus zika (12th February 2016)
- BBC Brasil: Em limbo regulatorio, mosquito transgenico avanca no Brasil (11th February 2016)
- BBC: Zika virus: Brazil hopes to develop vaccine in 'one year' (11th February 2016)
- Latin Correspondent: Panama considers releasing GM mosquitoes to halt spread of Zika (10th February 2016)
- Colima Noticias: Analizan uso de mosquitos transgenicos para combatir el Zika en Colima (9th February 2016)
- The Guardian: Gene drives need global policing (9th February 2016)
- Stuff: Fighting mosquitoes with mosquitoes: Biological weapons target Zika virus (9th February 2016)
- The Hindu: With Zika, Indian firm scales up trials for 'GM mosquitoes' (8th February 2016)
- BBC: Would it be wrong to eradicate mosquitoes? (28th January 2015)
- CNN: Fighting the Zika virus with mutant mosquitoes (27th January 2016)
- NPR: ZikaQA: Your Questions On The Zika Virus, Answered (27th January 2016)
- Business Standard: Jalna co awaits Govt nod for field trials of anti-dengue tech (22nd January 2016)
- Telegraph: Brazil tackles zika virus with genetically modified mosquitoes (19th January 2016)
- Folha d S. Paulo: Piracicaba elimina 82 percent de larvas de Aedes em area experimental (19th January 2016)
- The Star: Dengue vaccine – why wait? (19th January 2016)
- BBC: GM mosquito expansion announced (19th January 2016)
- Asia One: New vaccine against dengue awaiting approval from Thai regulators (19th January 2016)
- BOA: Biofabrica deve ampliar producao de Aedes (19th January 2016)
- The Star: Ministry urged to approve dengue vaccine (19th January 2016)
- Globo: Mosquito transgenico reduziu populacao de Aedes em teste em SP (19th January 2016)
- Medical Xpress: Study maps potential route to effective dengue vaccines (18th January 2016)
- The Economic Times: India waives large-scale clinical trials for Sanofi's dengue vaccine (16th January 2016)
- Rappler: 1.07 million students to get dengue vaccine – DOH (5th January 2016)
- Salud descarta usar avances científicos para combatir dengue (4th January 2015)
- UOL: Guerra ao mosquito: conheca cinco armas contra o Aedes em estudo no Brasil (3rd January 2015)
- La prioridad en Salud debe ser la prevencion (2nd January 2016)
- CNN Philippines: Anti-dengue vaccine available in PH by early 2016 (30th December 2015)
- Straits Times: Singapore 'actively tracking' vaccine (30th December 2015)
- Folha de S. Paulo: Dengue Vaccine Approved and Should be on Sale Within Three Months (29th December 2015)
- In Maharashtra, a high security prison for genetically modified mosquitoes (29th December 2015)
- Diario de Parnambuco: Mosquitos geneticamente modificados podem ser nova arma contra o Aedes [In Portuguese] (29th December 2015)
- KeysInfoNet: Mosquito Control saw challenges the past 12 months (29th December 2015)
- Epoca: "E impossível acabar com o Aedes aegypti", diz criadora de mosquito transgenico (29th December 2015)
- Wall Street Journal: Brazil Approves Sanofi's Dengue Vaccine (28th December 2015)
- GMA: Philippines the first Asian country to clear dengue vaccine (23rd December 2015)
- New York Times: Gene Drives Offer New Hope Against Diseases and Crop Pests (21st December 2015)
- The Guardian: GM insects and moral blackmail (17th December 2015)
- Hilary Sutcliffe’s Blog: GM Insects: The Lords fail spectacularly to learn the lessons of the past (17th December 2015)
- Daily Mail: The UK has a 'moral duty' to develop GM insects: Report claims modified bugs are needed to stop the spread of tropical diseases (17th December 2015)
- BBC: GM insect trials urged for UK (17th December 2015)
- Globo: Aedes 'do bem' pode combater dengue e zika; conheca projetos [In Portuguese] (15th December 2015)
- BBC: Brasil testa duas 'armas' contra o Aedes aegypti; saiba quando teremos resultado [In Portuguese] (11th December 2015)
- Diairo de Pernambuco: Triplice epidemia intensifica guerra nacional ao mosquito Aedes aegypti (14th December 2015)
- SIC Noticias: Brasil trava novo combate contra mosquito transmissor de dengue (12th December 2015)
- Wall Street Journal: When Is the Dengue Vaccine Coming to India? (11th December 2015)
- Wall Street Journal: Mexico Approves Sanofi's Dengue Vaccine but Pricing Questions Remain (9th December 2015)
- Bloomberg: World's First Dengue Vaccine Approved After 20 Years of Research (9th December 2015)
- UPI: Scientists genetically modify mosquito to be infertile (8th December 2015)
- Geral: Aedes transgenico reduz populacao de mosquito em Piracicaba (7th December 2015)
- Starts at Sixty: Let’s talk: Is this taking genetic modification too far? (25th November 2015)
- AP: Using new gene drive to create malaria-resistant mosquitoes (24th November 2015)
- ABC: Genetically modified fruit flies could be future of Medfly control (24th November 2015)
- BBC: Australia trial for GM fruit fly (24th November 2015)
- Good Fruit and Vegetables: WA to test GM fruit fly (24th November 2015)
- The Christian Science Monitor: Could GMO fruit flies solve Australia's pest problem? (24th November 2015)
- The Guardian: 'Anti-malarial mosquitoes' created using controversial genetic technology (23rd November 2015)
- Nature: 'Gene drive' mosquitoes engineered to fight malaria (23rd November 2015)
- New York Times: Engineering Mosquitoes' Genes to Resist Malaria (23rd November 2015)
- KeysInfoNet: Mosquito Control giveth, taketh away director's raise (21st November 2015)
- The Washington Post: This tiny moth is stirring up the GMO debate in New York (20th November 2015)
- Manila Bulletin: Light at the end of the tunnel (17th November 2015)
- The Bulletin: The risks of assisting evolution (15th November 2015)
- Inquirer: Making dengue the next vaccine-preventable disease (14th November 2015)
- Clean Malaysia: A New Weapon in the Fight against Dengue Fever (10th Novmber 2015)
- The Hindu: Will funding issues derail the dengue vaccine trial? (8th November 2015)
- ID: Brasil en visperas de contar con vacunas contra dengue [In Portuguese] (3rd November 2015)
- Panama America: Proyecto de mosquito transgenico no arranco (1st November 2015)
- Economic Times: Sanofi bets on dengue vaccine, 5 other drugs to bolster India play (31st October 2015)
- Washington Post: Synthetic biology innovations need a clearer path to market (29th October 2015)
- A Tribuna: Epidemia de dengue assombra a Baixada Santista [In Portuguese] (25th October 2015)
- El Heraldo: 'Oxitec', el mosquito que combate al dengue, zika y chikungunya [In Spanish] (18th October 2015)
- Live Mint: Nobel lessons for India (18th October 2015)
- Business World: Punjab, Haryana Cotton Output To Fall 40 Per Cent Due To Pest Attack (12th October 2015)
- Wired: Intrexon's Billionaire CEO Is Betting on the Most Controversial GMOs (11th October 2015)
- Viet Nam News: Dengue fever vaccine tests prove positive (10th October 2015)
- Shanghai Daily: Brazil closer to French-made dengue vaccine approval (9th October 2015)
- Thanh Nien News: Vietnam hopes to curb dengue fever as vaccine proves effective in trial (8th October 2015)
- Finger Lakes Times: SAFE SEX FOR INSECTS: Ag Station officials explain genetically modified moth program (24th September 2015)
- Panama News: Budget spray kills GM mosquitoes (23rd September 2015)
- The Times of India: Pune firm set to roll out cure for dengue (22nd September 2015)
- Fox News: Asia's biggest vaccine maker to seek fast-track nod for dengue drug in India (22nd September 2015)
- La Estrella de Panama: Plan contra el dengue se queda sin recursos (22nd September 2015)
- El Globo: Calor deixa o mosquito da dengue mais acelerado, aponta pesquisa [In Portuguese] (17th September 2015)
- The Yucutan Times: A dengue vaccine may become available in Mexico in 2016 (13th September 2015)
- JCNET: Dengue vence a batalha e ha risco de nova epidemia em 2016 [In Portuguese] (12th September 2015)(
- Indian Express: Fighting mosquito with mosquito: A GM-size bite against dengue (
- Die Welt: Der Fluch der Fliege [in German] (29th August 2015)
- BFM: Fighting Dengue With Genetically Modified Mosquitoes (21st August 2015)
- The Independent: 'Supercharged' GM tests get backing from senior government scientist (17th August 2015)
- RT: Google ponders creating GM mosquitoes to fight tropical disease (14th August 2015)
- Business Insider: A Google exec wants to genetically modify mosquitoes to wipe out malaria (12th August 2015)
- Bloomberg: Intrexon to Acquire Insect Control Solutions Specialist Oxitec (11th August 2015)
- Fresh Fruit Portal: Leading biotech firm to buy Oxitec for USD160M (10th August 2015)
- Diari de Tarragona: La Generalitat deniega liberar dos millones de moscas transgenicas (6th August 2015)]
La Vangardia: Ecologistas celebran negativa liberar moscas modificadas geneticamente [In Spanish] (7th August 2015)
Reports that Oxitec has withdrawn its application to release olive flies in Catalunya, Spain (for the second time), after having being informed by the authorities that they would refuse the application.
- Diari de Girona: Agricultura s'oposa a alliberar dos milions de mosques transgeniques a Tarragona (7th August 2015)
- El Periodico: Agricultura refusa deixar anar mosques transgeniques a Tarragona (7th August 2015)
- UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION: FORM 8-K (Intrexon purchase Oxitec) (7th August 2015)
- Societat: Rebutjada la peticio d'alliberar mosques modificades geneticament a Tarragona (6th August 2015)
- La Vanguardia: Govern deniega liberar en Tarragona moscas modificadas geneticamente (6th August 2015)
- Times of India: New vaccine approach to fight dengue (5th August 2015)
- International Business Times: US to review controversial 'gene drive' technology (4th August 2015)
- Nature: Driving test: ‘Gene drive’ techniques have the potential to alter whole populations. Regulators must catch up (4th August 2015)
- The Independent: A power for good or evil: The technology of 'gene drives' holds immense potential for improving our life on this planet - and also great dangers (3rd August 2015)
- The Independent: 'Gene drives': Government science advisers expected to investigate potentially dangerous GM organisms (3rd August 2015)
- Ideal: Mosca transgenica vs. mosca del olivo [In Spanish] (3rd August 2015)
- Daily Mail: Could 'supercharged genes' be used by terrorists? Technique to genetically modify insects could spread lethal diseases (3rd August 2015)
- El Periodico: 260.000 moscas esteriles [In Spanish] (3rd August 2015)
- The Independent: 'Gene drive': Scientists sound alarm over supercharged GM organisms which could spread in the wild and cause environmental disasters (2nd August 2015)
- Panama America: Instituto Gorgas inicia la caceria de mosquitos transmisores de dengue (2nd August 2015)
- Il Cambiomento: Decine di migliaia di mosche dell'olivo geneticamente modificate saranno rilasciate nell'ambiente: disastro annunciato (31st July 2015)
- Diari de Tarragona: El Sindic de Greuges investigara la liberacion de moscas transgenicas (31st July 2015)
- BBC Mundo: El ejército de millones de mosquitos transgénicos que combate el dengue en Brasil [in Spanish] (30th July 2015)
- CadenaSer: De politica y moscas transgenicas (30th July 2015)
- Tercera: EQUO pregunta a la ministra Tejerina sobre la utorizacion del experimento de las moscas transgenicas (30th July 2015)
- AboneoBio: Menace sur l'huile d'olive bio : des mouches OGM liberees en Europe? [In French] (30th July 2015)
Diari de Tarragona: El Govern decidira en septiembre si permite soltar moscas transgenicas [In Spanish] (29th July 2015)
The Government will decide in September whether to allow experimental releases of Oxitec's GM olive flies in Catalonia, Spain.
- DNA: You may find dengue vaccine soon (29th July 2015)
- The Indian Express: Hope against dengue as vaccine trials protect 2 kids in every 3 (29th July 2015)
La Prensa Grafica: Mosquito geneticamente disenyado sin aval de MINSAL [in Spanish] (24th July 2015)
Reports that El Salvador's Ministry of Health is not ready to conduct trials of Oxitec's GM mosquitoes, due to uncertain consequences and lack of scientific validation.
- El Pais: Espanya estudia soltar miles de moscas transgenicas contra la plaga del olivo (28th July 2015)
- Yahoo News: Data analyses back Sanofi dengue vaccine (28th July 2015)
- CIDRAP: Dengue vaccine may drop hospital risk in older kids but not younger (27th July 2015)
- TestBiotech: UK company plans to release genetically engineered flies in Spain (27th July 2015)
- Ecologistas en Accion: Planes para liberar una mosca modificada geneticamente (27th July 2015)
- TransparenzGentechnik: Neuer Anlauf: Test mit gentechnisch veraenderten Olivenfliegen in Spanien (27th July 2015)
- The Telegraph: Genetically engineered moths could be released in Britain to save crops (16th July 2015)
- BBC: GM moths 'can curb pest invasion' (16th July 2015)
- DNA: GM mosquitoes ready to kill their old 'deadly' cousins (10th July 2015)
- New Scientist: Modified mosquitoes begin blitz on dengue in Brazilian city (6th July 2015)
- La Prensa Libre: Companyia inglesa dice haber creado insecto para combatir el dengue, chikungunya y zika [In Spanish] (5th July 2015)
- A Cidade: Os novos comprimidos que combatem a dengue (4th July 2015)
- Oxitec PR: Oxitec Mosquito Works to Control Aedes aegypti in Dengue Hotspot (2nd July 2015)
- Finger Lakes Times: Experiment Station defends moth trials (1st July 2015)
- La Estrella de Panama: En el limbo, mosquitos transgenicos (18th June 2015)
- GMA News: Dengue vaccine for FDA approval within this year - DOH (18th June 2015)
- Business World: Dengue vaccine to save USD8.2 billion (16th June 2015)
- AgClips: Moth trials to be handled responsibly (15th June 2015)
- Asian Scientist: Dengue Day 2015: Interview With Dr. Joselito Sta. Ana (15th June 2015)
- Jakarta Globe: 'Dengue Fever Vaccine Available in Indonesia Next Year' (11th June 2015)
- Joint PR: Groups Urge New York State Government, Cornell University to Notify Public About Genetically Enginereed Diamondback Moth Field Trial 9th June 2015
- Globa and Mail: Buzz kill: Taking a bite out of dengue fever with genetically modified mosquitoes (25th May 2015)
- The Guardian: Sterile mosquitoes released in China to fight dengue fever (24th May 2015)
- The Guardian: The innovators: the biotech firm hoping to breed an end to dengue fever (24th May 2015)
- PBS: Can genetically modified mosquitoes curb Dengue fever? (16th May 2015)
Fox News Latino: Study: Use of GM mosquitoes against dengue proves effective (9th May 2015)
Based on an unpublished report.
- La Prensa: Gorgas reduce 93% vector del dengue en Nuevo Chorrillo (8th May 2015)
- Dia a Dia: Concluye proyecto sobre mosquito transgenico (7th May 2015)
- La Vanguardia: Concluye con efectividad estudio de uso mosquitos transgenicos contra dengue (9th May 2015)
- El Sol de Mexico: Desarrollan mosquitos transgenicos contra dengue (9th May 2015)
- Prensa Latina: Incrementaran empleo de mosquitos transgenicos en Panama (9th May 2015)
- University of Kansas: Project to fight dengue fever proves a sustainable success (8th May 2015)
- La Prensa: Gorgas reduce 93% vector del dengue en Nuevo Chorrillo (8th May 2015)
- Panama America: Disminuye en 30 percent incidencia de dengue tras proyecto de mosquitos transgenicos (7th May 2015)
- Quartz: Humans are genetically modifying mosquitoes to fight a disease we helped create (6th May 2015)
- KeysNews: Congressmen talk Keys issues with local leaders (6th May 2015)
- El Spectador: Mosquitos transgenicos combaten mortifera epidemia de dengue en Brasil (4th May 2015)
- Globo: Piracicaba comeca a liberar 1 milhao de Aedes transgenico por semana (4th May 2015)
- CCTV: Biotech firm experiments with mosquitoes to fight Dengue fever in Brazil (3rd May 2015)
- ICNET: 4 cidades do Estado nao registram casos de dengue (3rd May 2015)
- De Fato: Armas contra a dengue (2nd May 2015)
- EuroNews: Genetically modified mosquitoes to the rescue in Brazil (1st May 2015)
- GMA News: Brazil to release genetically-modified mosquitoes vs. dengue (1st May 2005)
- Diaro do Grande ABC: Dengue: Piracicaba tera soltura de 100 mil mosquitos transgenicos nesta semana (27th April 2015)
- Bloomberg: Brazilians Spraying and Praying for Dengue Vaccine Breakthrough (24th April 2015)
- Info: Bacterias intestinais de mosquito podem se tornar arma contra a dengue (23rd April 2015)
- Panama America: Liberacion de mas mosquitos, sujeta a estudio (23rd April 2015)
- KeysInfoNet: Keys bug board says no to contract for genetically modified mosquitoes unless federal approval comes (21st April 2015)
- KeysNews: Bug board delays vote on contract (22nd April 2015)
- Bloomberg: After Record Drought, Dengue Fever (22nd April 2015)
- Live Mint: The buzz about mutating mosquitoes (17th April 2015)
- Huffington Post: GM Mosquitoes: Bad for Business in the Keys? (20th April 2015)
- Newsweek: Solving Malaria Using a Genetically Altered Mosquito (18th April 2015)
- Live Mint: India is the worst in terms of dengue cases: Oxitec's Kevin Gorman (17th April 2015)
- NE10: MP libera uso de Aedes aegypti transgenico para combater a dengue em SP [In Portuguese] (15th April 2015)
- Globo: Moradora com dengue diz ter medo do 'Aedes transgenico', mas aprova uso [In Portuguese] (15th April 2015)
- CircuitoMatoGrosso: 'Aedes do bem' e liberado em luta contra a dengue [In Portuguese] (15th April 2015)
- NE10: Anvisa aprova prioridade em analise de registro de vacina contra a dengue [In Portuguese] (14th April 2015)
- Food Consumer: Three out of Four Key Haven residents oppose release of geneticaly modified mosquitoes (14th April 2015)
- Globo: MP propoe TAC sobre uso de 'Aedes do Bem' para Prefeitura de Piracicaba (13th April 2015)
- Keys News: Curbelo heads to Keys today with top issues in mind (8th April 2015)
- WLRN: Florida Keys Hope To Add New Weapon In War Against Mosquitoes: Genetic Modification (8th April 2015)
- La Estrella de Panama: Red opuesta a los transgenicos critica al Gorgas [In Spanish] (7th April 2015)
- Globo: MP 'freia' ideia de Limeira de liberar 'Aedes do bem' para conter epidemia [In Portuguese] (5th April 2015)
- Xinhua: Australian scientists discover unique way to prevent dengue fever (1st April 2015)
- Inquirer: Dengue cases down in Valenzuela (1st April 2015)
- Reuters: EPA will require weed-resistance restrictions on glyphosate herbicide (31st March 2015)
- Scicasts: Researchers Master Gene Editing Technique in Mosquito that Transmits Deadly Diseases (31st March 2015)
- The Star Phoenix: Plan hatched to combat disease-carrying mosquitoes Plan hatched to combat disease-carrying mosquitoes (28th March 2015)
- The Science Times: Genome Editing Now Fighting Mosquitoes, Killing Bacteria, and Improving Pigs (27th March 2015)
- La Estrella de Panama: Minsa financiara los 'transgenicos' del Gorgas (27th March 2015)
- National Post: Genetically-modified mosquitoes might save thousands of human lives, but is the risk too high? (27th March 2015)
- CTV News: Manitoba researcher has a plan to make mosquitoes drop like flies (26th March 2015)
RBA: Pressao popular contra Aedes transgenico ganha forca em Piracicaba [In Portuguese] (25th March 2015)
Reports public opposition to proposed further releases of GM mosquitoes in Brazil.
- KeysInfoNet: Despite opposition, Mosquito Control Board pushing forward with genetically modified mosquitoes (25th March 2015)
- Globo: Audiencia tem manifestacoes a favor e contra liberacao do 'Aedes do bem' [In Portuguese] (24th March 2015)
- Globo: 'Aedes do Bem' é único modo eficaz de combate à dengue, diz secretário [In Portuguese] (19th March 2015)
- The Independent: Genetically engineering mosquitoes to end malaria could have 'unintended consequences' (19th March 2015)
The Hindu: Microbe-laden mosquitoes cut dengue spread: study (18th March 2015)
reports on an experimental non-GM approach to reducing the spread of dengue fever by mosquitoes.
- The Turkish Weekly: Brazilian state wants to stop release of GM mosquitoes (18th March 2015)
Globo: Ministerio Publico pede a suspensao de 'Aedes transgenico' em Piracicaba [In Portuguese] (17th March 2015)
GM mosquito releases in Brazil are suspended.
- INFO: Ministerio Publico suspende mosquito da dengue transgenico em Piracicaba [In Portuguese] (17th March 2015)
- GEN: CRISPR to Descend on Mosquito Genome, Raise Transgenic Swarms (17th March 2015)
- Healio: Are there sufficient data to implement wide-scale dengue vaccination in endemic countries? (March 2015)
- Cayman News Service: Cayman keeps dengue and chikungunya at bay (14th March 2015)
- Dia a Dia: Compite por las hembras panamenas [In Spanish] (14th March 2015)
- La Estrella de Panama: Mosquitos "alterados" disminuyen indice de infestacion (13th March 2015)
- Globo: Conselho quer barrar liberacao de 'Aedes transgenico' em Piracicaba (11th March 2015)
RBA: Sem aprovacao da Anvisa, Piracicaba anuncia mosquito transgenico para combater a dengue [In Portuguese] (11th March 2015)
Reports objections to proposed further releases of GM mosquitoes in Brazil without approval from the health authority ANVISA.
- Free Malaysia Today: No proposal to use GMO mosquitoes to combat dengue (8th March 2015)
- The Star: Experts: GM mosquitoes cannot transmit dengue - they do not bite (8th March 2015)
- The Star: GM mosquito project shelved (6th March 2015)
Panama America: Minsa evalua continuar con la liberacion del mosquito transgenico [In Spanish] (6th March 2015)
Panama considers further open release trials of GM mosquitoes.
Azteca Noticias: Modifican geneticamente mosquitos para erradicar dengue [In Spanish] (5th March 2015)
Reports research on developing dengue-resistant GM mosquitoes in Mexico.
- Modifican geneticamente mosquitos para erradicar dengue y malaria [In Spanish] (4th March 2015)
- CNBC: Fighting mosquitoes with more mosquitoes (4th March 2015)
- Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News: Working Out the Bugs in Genetic Mosquito Plan (3rd March 2015)
- St.Croix Source: Two Ideas to Consider When it Comes to Mosquito Control (3rd March 2015)
- CIDRAP: Chikungunya vaccine looks promising in phase 1 trial (2nd March 2015)
Gazeta de Limera: Mosquito da dengue geneticamente modificado sera solto em Piracicaba [In Portuguese] (2nd March 2015)
Reports new GM mosquito experiments in Brazil.
- Globo: Projeto usa 'Aedes do Bem' para combater o mosquito da dengue [In Portuguese] (2nd March 2015)
- Rappler: Soon: Vaccine from France to help fight dengue in PH (27th February 2015)
- BBC: Is the world ready for GM animals? (24th February 2015)
- New York Times: Can Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Eliminate Dengue Fever? (23rd February 2015)
- Keys Net: Mosquito Control Board finalizes deal for genetically altered mosqitoes (21st February 2015)
- CBS News: How do you fight a "guerrilla warfare mosquito"? (20th February 2015)
- Digital Journal: Messing with 'Mother Nature' - Here comes DNA altered mosquitoes (20th February 2015)
- New York Times: Battle Rises in Florida Keys Over Fighting Mosquitoes With Mosquitoes (19th February 2015)
- OABRJ Digital: Comissoes acompanharao alerta da Abrasco sobre mosquitos transgenicos [in Portuguese] (12th February 2015)
- Santa Cruz IMC: Advocates Urge FDA to Halt Risky GMO Mosquito Release (12th February 2015)
- The Star: French-made dengue vaccine available by mid-2015 (12th February 2015)
- Keys News: Board eyes mosquito release (8th February 2015)
- Outbreak News Today: Brazil: Drought linked to surge of dengue in January (8th February 2015)
- Cayman News Service: GM mozzies may return to spread bacteria (4th February 2015)
- Sun Coast News: Genetically modified organisms causing controversy (4th February 2015)
- Nutraingredients: EFSA must revise its conflict of interest rules: European Ombudsman (3rd February 2015)
- eNews Park Forest: Florida Officials, FDA, Consider Release of Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes (3rd February 2015)
- El Periodiquito: Logran modificar geneticamente mosquitos transmisores del dengue y chikungunya para reducir brotes (27th January 2015)
- How Stuff Works: Can genetically modified mosquitoes wipe out malaria? (January 2015)
- AP: Millions of GMO insects could be released in Florida Keys (25th January 2015)
- Daily Mail: Millions of genetically modified mosquitoes could be released in Florida Keys if British researchers win approval to use the bugs against painful viral diseases (25th January 2015)
- UPI: Nearly 140,000 Floridians have spoken out against genetically modified mosquito proposal (25th January 2015)
- Diario de Saude: Descoberta sobre disseminacao da chikungunya traz outras preocupacoes [In Portuguese] (23rd January 2015)
- PanamaOn: Los cientificos del Smithsonian explican la propagacion del vector de la enfermedad tropical Chikungunya [in Spanish] (21st January 2015)
- Koelner Stadt Anzheiger: Killerinsekten im Olivenhain [in German] (18th January 2015)
- La Prensa: Mosquitos y la migracion asistida por humanos [In Spanish] (17th January 2015)
- Sunrasia: Fruit fly battle: Gene control years away (13th January 2015)
- Time: How To Stop Chikungunya (8th January 2015)
- Smithsonian Magazine: Could GM Mosquitoes Pave the Way for a Tropical Virus to Spread? (8th January 2015)
- Than Nien News: Vietnam scraps genetically modified silkworm project with US firm (23rd December 2014)
- PanAmerica: Transgenicos logran bajar infestacion en Nuevo Chorrillo (21st December 2014)
- takepart: Florida Considers Releasing Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes - What Could Go Wrong? (9th December 2014)
- KeysInfoNet: Big crowd tells Mosquito Control no to modified mosquitoes (6th December 2014)
- Keys News: Mosquito release draws vocal opposition (5th December 2014)
- KeysInfoNet: There's no need for genetically modified mosquitoes in the Keys (3rd December 2014)
- KeysInfoNet: Mosquito Control Board, Oxitec try to appease residents over plan for genetically modified bugs (3rd December 2014)
- Dia a Dia: Combaten el dengue [In Spanish] (1st December 2014)
- La Prensa: Vector ingles logra su mision [In Spanish] (30th November 2014)
- National Geographic: To Beat Malaria, We Need to See It as an Ecological Problem (26th November 2014)
- CAS vota por maior controle social de transgenicos (26th November 2014)
- KeysInfo.Net: Genetically modified mosquitoes to battle disease-carrying bugs closer to approval (22nd November 2014)
- Notimerica: Mas de 10 millones de mosquitos transgenicos ya luchan contra el dengue en Brasil (15th November 2014)
- The Jamaica Gleaner: Shun genetically modified mosquitoes - UK company (15th November 2014)
- Reuters: Sanofi says first dengue vaccine may be available in second half of 2015 (3rd November 2014)
- La Estrella de Panama: El incierto futuro de un experimento [In Spanish] (31st October 2014)
- L'Humanite: L'effet papillon des insectes OGM (22nd October 2014)
- Basta! Apres le moustique OGM au Bresil, le papillon genetiquement modifie a New York (16th October 2014)
- Keys News: Bug board candidates differ on the issues (16th October 2014)
- El Nacional: Con zancudos transgenicos emprenden cruzada biologica contra los virus [In Spanish] (5th October 2014)
- The Hindu: GeneWatch worried over release of genetically modified mosquitoes (5th October 2014)
- Keys News: Mosquito rearing facility receives approval (5th October 2014)
- The Atlantic: Engineering Mosquitoes to Spread Health (13th September 2014)
- Telemetro: Minsa a la espera de informe sobre mosquitos transgenicos [in Spanish] (9th September 2014)
- Entorno Inteligente: PANAMA: Estudio con transgenico genera resultados utiles [In Spanish] (9th September 2014)
- Inside Business: The latest buzz on a bad boy, the mosquito (5th September 2014)
- Health24: World's first dengue fever vaccine ready next year (3rd September 2014)
- Times of India: India to have indigenous genetically engineered mosquitoes (22nd August 2014)
- International Business Times: India to Use Genetically Engineered 'Killer Mosquitoes' to Fight Dengue (22nd August 2014)
- Fresh Fruit Portal: Brazilian authorities approve GM fruit fly trials (22nd August 2014)
- Economic Times: Nick Clegg to announce mega investments during India tour (22nd August 2014)
- BBC: Genetically modified flies 'could save crops' (13th August 2014)
- Daily Mail: Frankenflies that can protect crops: GM version of the pest could wipe out species that damage crops including oranges, apples and pears (13th August 2014)
- AP: Decision could boost use of popular weed killer (13th August 2014)
- Global Voices Online: Mosquito transgenico en venta: empresa calcula las cifras del posible mercado del dengue en Brasil [In Spanish] (8th August 2014)
- Global Voices Online: Avaliacao de riscos: o que a tecnica de controle de mosquito transmissor da dengue representa as populacoes no Brasil [In Portuguese] (8th August 2014)
- Global Voices Online: Mosquito transgenico a venda: empresa calcula as cifras do possível mercado da dengue no Brasil [In Portuguese] (8th August 2014)
- Global Voices Online: Evaluacion de riesgos: lo que la tecnica de control del mosquito transmisor del dengue representa en la poblacion de Brasil [in Spanish] (7th August 2014)
- Globo: Brasil inaugura primeira fabrica de mosquitos da dengue transgenicos [In Portuguese] (1st August 2014)
- Business Standard: GM mosquitoes to check dengue menace? (27th July 2014)
- The Pharmaceutical Journal: GSK files for approval of world's first malaria vaccine (24th July 2014)
- The Telegraph: Malaria vaccine: why has it taken 30 years to develop? (24th July 2014)
- New Scientist: Brazil to unleash GM-mosquito swarms to fight dengue (23rd July 2014)
- Boston Globe: Harvard scientists want gene-manipulation debate (17th July 2014)
- My Paper (Singapore): Condo design blamed for dengue cases (15th July 2014)
- The Rakyat Post: Malacca won't release GMO mosquitoes (14th July 2014)
- The Malaysian Insider: No plan yet to release GM mosquitoes to fight dengue (13th July 2014)
- MSN News: No plan yet to release GM mosquitoes to fight dengue (13th July 2013)
- Wired: Genetically-engineered moths make spider silk for flameproof pants (11th July 2014)
- The IndyChannel: Genetically-modified mosquitoes have skeptics in Florida (10th July 2014)
- University Press: The Science of Summer: Mosquitoes (9th July 2014)
- CNN: Kill switch: breeding kamikaze mosquitoes (8th July 2014)
- Oxford Times: Investors help mosquito firm take a bigger bite of the market (3rd July 2014)
- Angel News: Oxford Capital leads USD10 million funding round for Oxitec (24th June 2014)
- PR Newswire: Oxitec Completes Oversubscribed GBP6.1 Million (USD10.2 Million) Fundraising to Commercialise Pioneering Dengue Mosquito Control Technology (23rd June 2014)
Courier Mail: The northern front in the war on dengue (22nd June 2014)
Reports progress with the non-GM approach of releasing mosquitoes infected with the bacteria wolbachia to prevent transmission of dengue.
Sunday Times: GM mosquitoes wouldn't fly here, so don't unleash them on Africa (15th June 2014)
Subscription needed
- SciDev.Net: Weighing the ethics of GM mosquito tests on humans (12th June 2014)
- Dia a Dia: Ya se observan resultados tras liberacion de Mosquitos Transgenicos (5th June 2014)
- Policy Review: Stand by for genetically modified maggots in Europe's fruit imports (6th June 2014)
- Pakistan Observer: Use of mosquito for eradication of dengue discussed (3rd June 2014)
- La Prensa: Icges solicitara fondos para comprar huevos transgenicos (31st May 2014)
- Panama News: Time for some serious and multidisciplinary trash talk (31st May 2014)
- Veja: Fabrica de mosquitos [In Portuguese] (27th May 2014)
- Enagroecologia: Ato publico denuncia riscos do mosquito transgenico para combater a dengue em Juazeiro (BA) [In Portuguese] (22nd May 2014)
- SciDevNet: Nigerian scientists wary of anti-malarial GM mosquitoes (19th May 2014)
- EcoDebate: Mosquitos transgenicos aqui de Juazeiro, artigo de Roberto Malvezzi (Gogo) [In Portuguese] (13th May 2014)
- BBC: Dengue fever threat to World Cup fans in Brazil (10th May 2014)
TVN-2: Liberados 300 mil mosquitos transgenicos [In Spanish] (9th May 2014)
Reports that 300,000 GM mosquitoes have been released in Nuevo Chorillo in Panama. The experiments cost USD620,000.
- La Estrella de Panama: El Gorgas invierte USD620 mil en insecto alterado [In Spanish] (9th May 2014)
TVN-2: Ideas vagas sobre el mosquito transgenico [In Spanish] (9th May 2014)
Reports that local people in Nuevo Chorrillo, Panama, are not well informed about the GM mosquitoes being released there.
- RFI: Ecologistas questionam uso de mosquito transgenico contra a dengue [In Portuguese] (8th May 2014)
- Brazil approves GM mosquito that could cut dengue (1st May 2014)
Ultima Hora: MSP descarta usar mosquitos modificados contra el Aedes [in Spanish] (30th April 2014)
Reports that in Paraguay, the health minister , Antonio Barrios has so far ruled out the use of Oxitec's GM mosquitoes, due to concerns about environmental impacts.
- PanamaOn: Brasil libera millones de mosquitos transgenicos contra el dengue, crece la polemica por sus posibles efectos (29th April 2014)
- Analizan adoptar mosquitos transgenicos contra el dengue (29th April 2014)
- Galileu: Mosquitos transgenicos comecam a entrar em acao contra a dengue [In Portuguese] (29th April 2014)
- La Nacion: Paraguay teme impacto ambiental de mosquitos transgenicos creados para luchar contra el dengue [In Spanish] (29th April 2014)
- Liberation: Bresil: Ox513A, moustique terminator [In French] (28th April 2014)
- Nature World News: Sanofi's Experimental Dengue Vaccine Shows Promising Results (28th April 2014)
- El Pais: Brasil liberara mosquitos transgenicos contra el dengue [In Spanish] (27th April 2014)
- Daily Mail: Are GM mosquitoes the secret to wiping out dengue fever? Brazil set to use engineered bugs to eradicate the disease (24th April 2014)
- New Scientist: Brazil approves use of genetically modified mosquitoes (23rd April 2014)
- PanamaOn: Mosquitos transgenicos son aprobados, pero investigadores temen riesgos (16th April 2014)
- Vaccine News Daily: National Technical Commission for Biosecurity approves Oxitec mosquito for use in Brazil (16th April 2014)
- Basta! Des millions de moustiques OGM sur le point d'etre commercialises au Bresil [in French] (16th April 2014)
- Daily Mail: Killer mosquito spotted in California for the first time in 35 years (14th April 2014)
- DiarioWeb: Mosquito 'trans' promete acabar com a dengue [in Portuguese] (12th April 2014)
- Los Tiempos: Brasil aprueba uso de mosquito transgenico [in Spanish] (11th April 2014)
- Vice News: Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Will Guard the World Cup Against Dengue (11th April 2014)
- The Independent: World's biggest swarm of genetically modified mosquitoes released in Brazil (11th April 2014)
Mosquito transgenico e liberado para combater a dengue [In Portuguese] (11th April 2014)
Reports approval for commercial releases of Oxitec's GM mosquitoes by Brazilian regulator CTNBio.
- Agrosoft: Tecnologia: CTNBio aprova liberacao de mosquito transgenico contra dengue [In Portuguese] (11th April 2014)
- El Nacional: Brasil aprueba uso comercial de mosquito transgenico para lucha contra el dengue [In Spanish] (10th April 2014)
- RT: Brasil se arma con mosquitos geneticamente modificados contra el dengue [in Spanish] (10th April 2014)
- El Comercio: Mosquitos transgenicos combatiran el dengue en Brasil (10th April 2014)
- Informationsdienst Gentechnik: Gentechnik-Moskitos in Brasilien und Panama [In German] (10th April 2014)
- Aquidauana: Mosquito da dengue transgenico pode ser liberado no Brasil [In Portuguese] (10th April 2014)
- Bemparana: Comissao libera uso de mosquito transgenico antidengue [in Portuguese] (10th April 2014)
- Valor: Mosquito da dengue transgenico pode ser liberado no Brasil [In Portuguese] (9th April 2014)
- Global Post: This is the biggest swarm of genetically modified mosquitoes ever set free (9th April 2014)
- Entorno Intelligente: PANAMA: Eficacia de vector ingles es discutible (6th March 2014)
- MercoPress: Panama combatira el dengue con mosquitos transgenicos; en Brasil se probo con exito (18th February 2014)
- Entorno Intelligente: Sobre el Mosquito Transgenico en Panama (16th February 2014)
- Teletica: Panama utiliza un mosquito transgenico para combatir la epidemia de dengue (15th February 2014)
- New Straits Times: Stay calm, wait for the dengue vaccine: Virologist Read more: Stay calm, wait for the dengue vaccine (16th February 2014)
- El Nacional: Panama utiliza un mosquito transgenico para combatir la epidemia de dengue (15th February 2014)
- Pulso: Panama utilizara un mosquito transgenico para combatir el dengue (15th February 2014)
- Daily Mail: It bites 50 times in 15 minutes, carries 20 different diseases and likes human blood... so can anything stop the Asian tiger mosquito conquering the world? (14th February 2014)
- Sustainable Pulse: Oxitec 'Negligent' over GM Mosquito Release in Panama (12th February 2014)
- Asahi: First trial breeding of genetically modified silkworms to start (11th February 2014)
- El Siglo: Expertos de Oxitec llegan a Panama (11th February 2014)
- EcoAgencia: Brasil a ponto de liberar mosquitos transgenicos contra a dengue [In Portuguese] (11th February 2014)
- The Jakarta Post: Malaysia uses biological weapon against dengue (10th February 2014)
El Universal: Se declara Panama como zona epidemica por dengue (6th February 2014)
Reports that Panama has been declared a dengue epidemic area and Oxitec's GM mosquito experiments have been postponed.
- La Estrella: Los pros y los contras del mosquito transgenico (5th February 2014)
- Entorno Intelligente: PANAMA: Sosa: Mosquito transgenico no provoca danyo ecologico ni a la salud (4th February 2014)
- TVN: Director del Gorgas defiende uso del mosquito transgenico (4th February 2014)
- TVN: Informe advierte sobre efectos del mosquito transgenico (3rd February 2014)
- Daily Mail: GM mosquitoes created in British laboratories to be released in jungles of Panama to fight Dengue Fever (1st February 2014)
- Policy Review: Are GM mosquitoes safe? (30th January 2014)
- La Gran Epoca: Mosquito transgenico vs. epidemia de dengue en Panama (30th January 2014)
- Panama News: GeneWatch, Don't hide the risk of Panama's genetically altered mosquito experiment (29th January 2014)
- Newsroom Panama: Warning of hidden risks of releasing GM mosquitoes in Panama (29th January 2014)
- Prensa Latina: Alertan en Panama de riesgos ante mosquitos transgenicos [In Spanish] (29th January 2014)
- Deutsche Welle: Can genetically modified crops end hunger in Africa? (24th January 2014)
- TVN: En marzo liberaran mosquito transgenico en Nuevo Chorrillo (23rd January 2014)
- Dia a dia: Transgenico sera liberado en febrero (22nd January 2014)
- Telemetro: Mosquitos transgenicos no representan riesgos para la salud (21st January 2014)
- Telemetro: Proyecto del mosquito transgenico esta en fase de prueba (21st January 2014)
- Telemetro: Proyecto del mosquito transgenico sera aplicado en Nuevo Chorrillo (20th January 2014)
- Telemetro: Mosquito transgenico se soltara el 15 de febrero en Nuevo Chorrillo (20th January 2014)
- La Prensa: Mosquitos transgenicos para combatir el dengue (20th January 2014)
- Prensa Latina: Mosquito transgenico contra el dengue en Panama (17th January 2014)
- Critica: Mas de USD2 millones para el mosquito transgenico (15th January 2014)
- Prensa Latina: Jornada de prevencion y control del dengue en Panama (16th January 2014)
- El Tiempo: Panama liberara mosquitos transgenicos para combatir dengue (15th January 2014)
- Star Media: Panama recurre a mosquitos transgenicos para combatir dengue (15th January 2014)
- New Straits Times: Panama to use transgenic mosquitoes in anti-dengue bid (15th January 2014)
- TVN: La proxima semana sera liberado mosquito transgenico (15th January 2014)
- TVN: Ponen en duda experimento de mosquitos transgenicos (15th January 2014)
- AFP: Liberaran cientos de mosquitos "transgenicos" para combatir dengue en Panama (15th January 2014)
- Inside Costa Rica: Panama to use transgenic mosquitoes to fight dengue (15th January 2014)
- Territorio Digital: Combatiran el dengue con mosquitos transgenicos en Panama (15th January 2014)
- TVN Noticias: Salud implementara mosquito transgenico esta semana (14th January 2014)
- Entorno Inteligente: PANAMA: Otra arma para atacar el dengue (13th January 2014)
- Hora Cero: Minsa aprueba uso de mosquito transgenico contra el dengue (13th January 2014)
- Olive Oil Times: Oxitec Still Pursuing Trial Release of GM Olive Flies in Spain (12th January 2014)
- Olive Oil Times: Are Olives Next in the GMO Fight? (7th January 2014)
- Telemetro (Panama): Proyecto para erradicar el dengue en espera para ser aplicado (6th January 2014)
- Argus Leader: South Dakota eyes altered salmon (25th December 2013)
- ABC: La liberacion de moscas transgenicas en Espana tendra que esperar [In Spanish] (12th December 2013)
- Hora Cero [Panama]: Una navidad con el dengue [In Spanish] (12th December 2013)
- The Scottish Farmer: GM flies swatted (11th December 2013)
- El Mundo: Ultima prueba para que las moscas transgenicas vuelen en Tarragona [In Spanish] (11th December 2013)
- Informationsdienst Gentechnik: Vorerst keine Gentechnik-Fliegen in Spanien [In German] (10th December 2013)
- Sustainable Pulse: Oxitec Cancels GM Flies Release after Government Health Questions (9th December 2013)
La Vanguardia: Rechazado el plan para liberar moscas transgenicas en Tarragona [In Spanish] (7th December 2013)
Oxitec's plan to release GM olive flies in Catalonia, Spain has been shelved following requests for further information from the regulators.
- World Fishing and Aquaculture: Call for GM salmon labelling (4th December 2013)
- AgroBioMexico: Panama planea usar mosquitos transgenicos para combatir el dengue (29th November 2013)
- UPI: 'Killer' olive fruit flies designed to bring down their own population
- Singularity Hub: Spain Considers Release Of Genetically Modified Fruit Flies, Controversy Simmers (24th November 2013)
- External links
- EPA: EPA Approves Experimental Use Permit to Test Innovative Biopesticide Tool to Better Protect Public Health (1st May 2020)
- GMWatch: Guinea pig population (22nd September 2019)
- Evans et al. (2019) Transgenic Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes Transfer Genes into a Natural Population
- African Centre for Biodiversity: Oxitec’s failed GM mosquito releases worldwide: Forewarnings for Africa and the Target Malaria project (30th April 2019)
- ACB: Critique of African Union and NEPAD's positions on gene drive mosquitoes for Malaria elimination (November 2018)
- ACB: Critique des positions de l'Union africaine et du NEPAD sur les moustiques issus du forcage genetique pour eliminer le paludisme (Novembre 2018)
Communications between MRCU and Ministry (released 3rd April 2018)
2nd April 2018
Communications between MRCU staff (released 3rd April 2018)
2nd April 2018
- Cayman News Service Library: Redacted correspondence between Oxitec, MRCU and ministry, April 2016 - December 2017
Annual report MRCU - June 2017 Friendly Aedes aegypti project in West Bay
3rd September 2017
- Documentation supplied to National Conservation Council on expansion of GM mosquito programme, June 2017 meeting
- USDA: USDA Announces Availability of EA for Field Release of GE Diamondback Moth (18th April 2017)
- Reeves & Phillipson (2017) Mass Releases of Genetically Modified Insects in Area-Wide Pest Control Programs and Their Impact on Organic Farmers
- Center for Food Safety: Advocates Challenge FDA on First Ever GE Mosquito Release (22nd November 2016)
- Center for Food Safety: This Election, Keys Residents Vote "NO" on GE Mosquitoes (9th November 2016)
- USDA: Withdrawal of an EA for Field Release of GE Diamondback Moths (7th November 2016)
FDA: Oxitec Mosquito (5th August 2016)
Includes links to the final environmental assessment for proposed experimental releases in the Florida Keys.
- Alfaro-Murillo et al (2016): A Cost-Effectiveness Tool for Informing Policies on Zika Virus Control
- Governo do Estado de Sao Paulo: Casos de dengue caem 81 percent no estado de Sao Paulo (20th May 2016)
- Center for Food Safety: Groups Slam Feds for Weak Review of GMO Mosquito Risks (15th May 2016)
- The Mosquito Research Control Unit (Cayman Islands): The Friendly Aedes Aegypti Project (May 2016)
- Cayman Islands Government: New Mosquito Control Announced (6th May 2016)
- SeekingAlpha: Intrexon: The Public Markets' Theranos, Parts 2-8 (27th April 2016)
- ANVISA: Anvisa decide que mosquito transgenico e objeto de regulacao sanitaria [In Portuguese] (12th April 2016)
- TWN: Genetic control is no answer to Zika (or dengue) (8th April 2016)
- Center for Food Safety: GE Mosquitoes? Tell FDA NO! (April 2016)
- Food and Water Watch: Fighting Mosquitoes with GMO Mosquitoes (5th April 2016)
- WHO: Mosquito (vector) control emergency response and preparedness for Zika virus (18th March 2016)
- IAEA: IAEA Helps Brazil Step up the Fight Against 'Zika' Mosquitoes (24th February 2016)
- WHO: Mosquito control: can it stop Zika at source?
- Nuffield Council on Bioethics: Zika: ethical considerations (9th February 2016)
- Risk Bites: Can we eliminate diseases like Zika, dengue and malaria using gene drives? (30th November 2015)
- DAFWA: Fruit fly trial in Western Australia (November 2015)
- Center for Food Safety: Advocacy Groups Call for Halt to Open Air Field Trials of Genetically Engineered Moths (10th November 2015)
- IDSE: Chikungunya: An Emerging Public Health Problem in the Americas (October 2015)
Generalitat de Catalunya: Agricultura considera que no es pot garantir el confinament de l'alliberament de mosques modificades geneticament (6th August 2015)
Press release from the Catalan Government: Refusal of Oxitec olive fly application as containment cannot be guaranteed.
- Wyss Institute: Safeguarding the greater good (30th July 2015)
- US National Academies of Sciences: Gene Drive Research in Non-Human Organisms: Recommendations for Responsible Conduct (30th July 2015)
JRC: Oxitec notification to release GM olive flies in Spain (22nd May 2015)
Note: this notification was not posted until July 2015.
- Cornell University: Commitment to responsible science guides CALS plans for moth trials (11th June 2015)
- Food and Water Watch: Letter to FDA on GE mosquito (12th February 2015)
- ABRASCO: Rati-retificacao da Nota Tecnica da Abrasco frente a liberacao comercial de mosquitos transgenicos pela CTNBio, apos interpelacao administrativa da Oxitec (11th February 2015)
- Decision of the European Ombudsman closing the inquiry into complaint 346/2013/SID against the European Food Safety Authority ('EFSA') (28th January 2015)
- USDA-APHIS: FONSI for Field release of Genetically Engineered Diamondback Moth Strains
- Food and Water Watch: The Science is Still Out on GMO Moths (25th September 2014)
- USDA APHIS: Notice of Availability for an environmental assessment associated with a permit request for field release of genetically engineered diamondback moths within the grounds of the Cornell University NYSAES (28th August 2014)
- AS-PTA: Critical vote on the GM mosquito (22nd August 2014)
- WHO TDR and FNIH: The Guidance Framework for testing genetically modified mosquitoes (June 2014)
Technical Opinion on Examination Request presented at the 171st Plenary Meeting of the National Technical Commission on Biosafety (CTNBio) (10th April 2014)
A critical opinion presented to Brazilian regulators CTNBio regarding the application for commercial releases of Oxitec's GM mosquitoes (English translation).
- Comunicados de prensa de CIAM: Cientificos britanicos concluyen que estudios sobre mosquitos transgenicos en Panama no cumplen con estandares internacionales [In Spanish] (20th March 2014)
Oxitec: Advanced Informed Agreement Notification (Panama) (February 2014)
11th February 2014
- Friends of the Earth Spain: Action against GM olive flies [In Spanish]
- Moscamed: Projeto Aedes Transgenico
- Friends of the Earth Spain PR: Amigos de la Tierra alerta sobre los riesgos de liberar moscas transgenicas para evitar plagas en olivos [In Spanish] (18th September 2013)
- Oxitec: Application for release of GM olive fly in Spain (3rd January 2013)
- Third World Network: Buzz or Bust for Genetically Engineered Insects? (May 2013)
- GMO Free Florida
- Third World Network: Survival of GM Mosquitoes in the Presence of Tetracycline Contamination (16th February 2012)
- Consumers Association of Penang: Procedures not complied with in GM mosquitoes release (16th February 2012)
- William Leiss: Environmental Release of Genetically-Engineered Mosquitoes: The Latest Episode in Frankenstein-Type Scientific Adventures (2nd February 2012)
Reeves et al. (2012): Scientific standards and the regulation of genetically modified insects
An expanded and annotated version of the paper published in PLOS.
- Friends of the Earth US: GE Mosquito Buzz Continues: Concerns around transparency and human health impacts raised by pro-GE Insect Scientists (1st February 2012)
Public Library of Science: Genetically Modified Insect Collection (January 2012)
The collection includes a paper by scientists at the Max Planck Institute, which criticises the lack of published scientific information about Oxitec's GM insect trials, and a response by Oxitec.
Item 10.4 reports Oxitec's proposed potential trial of genetically modified diamond back moths in the UK under the Contained Use Regulations.
DEFRA: DEP2011-1815: Malaysia Risk assessment (14th November 2011)
Copies of the documents provided by Oxitec to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs under EC Regulation 1946/2003 to accompany the notification of its transboundary shipment of genetically modified mosquito eggs to Malaysia. 6 docs. Parts 3, 4 and 5 of DEP2011-1744 (Brazil notification documents) are to accompany this deposit.
DEFRA: DEP2011-1744: Brazil risk assessment (1st November 2011)
Redacted risk assessment provided by Oxitec to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs under EC Regulation 1946/2003 to accompany the notification of its transboundary shipment of genetically modified mosquito eggs to Brazil in February 2011. Six documents (zipped file).
- Wellcome Trust: Video feature: Controlling dengue fever, improving lives (October 2011)
- Richard Levine: i5k: The 5,000 Insect Genome Project
- Luisa Reis de Castro: Big Issues around a tiny insect (Masters thesis)
Oxitec draft environmental assessment to USDA (February 2011)
29th January 2011
- Aliran: GM mosquitoes: It just doesn't add up! (27th January 2011)
Oxitec: Risk analysis: OX513A Aedes aegypti mosquito for potential release on the Cayman Islands (Grand Cayman).
21st January 2011
Third World Network: Biosafety Information Centre
Section on insects and micro-organisms contains information about GM mosquitoes from a civil society organisation perspective.
GENET: news articles
Compilation of news articles on genetically-engineered mosquitoes
Statement of Concern from Civil Society Organizations Regarding Field Release of Genetically Modified Mosquitoes
28th December 2010
- Consumers' Association of Penang and Sahabat Alam Malaysia: Memorandum on Malaysia's GM Aedes mosquito planned release: ethical, legal and human rights concerns
- Consumers Association of Penang: An Open Letter to the Government from Malaysian NGOs on genetically engineered Aedes aegypti mosquitoes
Risk Assessment Report of the Malaysian Genetic Modification Advisory Committee (GMAC) For An Application To Conduct A Limited Mark-Release-Recapture Of Aedes Aegypti (L.) Wild Type and OX513A Strains
Submitted by the Malaysian government to the Biosafety Clearing House of the Convention on Biological Diversity
Malaysia Biosafety Clearing House
Contains documents relating to the Malaysian Government's consultation on the proposed experimental releases of Oxitec's GM mosquitos and further information about the approved field experiments and the conditions the company needs to meet.
- Environment Agency Austria and University of Bern: Defining Environmental Risk Assessment Criteria for Genetically Modified Insects to be placed on the EU Market (September 2010)
- Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology: Genetically modified insects (June 2010)
- INFRAVEC homepage: (EU research on GM mosquitos)
EU research programme INFRAVEC brochure: Research Capacity for the Implementation of Genetic Control of Mosquitoes (2009-2013)
Euros 8.5 million for research on GM mosquitos.
- John Marshall (Caltech): The Cartegena Protocol and GM mosquitos
- World Health Organisation (WHO): Progress and prospects for use of genetically modified insects (May 2009)
Phuc et al. (2007) Late-acting dominant lethal genetic systems and mosquito control.
Journal paper by Oxitec and collaborating scientists about the experimental GM mosquitos planned for release in Malaysia.
Scott et al (2002) The Ecology of genetically modified mosquitos. Science, 298, 117-119.
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