
BRIEF_1 Genetically Modified Foods: Will Labelling Provide Choice? £2.00
BRIEF_2 Genetically Engineered Oilseed Rape: Agricultural Saviour or New Form of Pollution? £2.00
BRIEF_3 Genetic Engineering: Can it Feed the World? £2.00
BRIEF_4 Genetically Engineered Crops and Food: The Case for a Moratorium £2.00
BRIEF_5 Genetic Engineering: A Review of Developments in 1998 £2.00
BRIEF_6 Genetic Engineering and Biological Weapons £2.00
BRIEF_7 Genetically Modified Micro-organisms: Leaking from the Lab? £2.50
BRIEF_8 Farm Scale Trials of GM Crops: Answering the Safety Questions? £2.50
BRIEF_9 GM Crops and Food: A Review of Developments in 1999 £2.50
BRIEF_10 The Next Generation of GM Foods: Good for Whose Health? £2.50
BRIEF_11 Privatising Knowledge, Patenting Genes: The Race to Control Genetic Information £2.50
BRIEF_12 Human Gene Therapy: A Cure for All Ills? £2.50
BRIEF_13 Genetic Engineering: A Review of Developments in 2000 £2.50
BRIEF_14 Human Bio-Collections: Who Benefits from Gene Banking? £2.50
BRIEF_15 Genetic Testing in Insurance and Employment: A New Form of Discrimination £2.50
BRIEF_16 Designer Forests - The Development of GM Trees £2.50
BRIEF_17 Genetic Technologies: A Review of Developments in 2001 £2.50
BRIEF_18 Genetics and Predictive Medicine: Selling Pills, Ignoring Causes £2.50
BRIEF_19 Animal Organs for Humans: The Science and Ethics of Xenotransplantation £2.50
BRIEF_20 Animal Cloning: Industrialising Animals? £2.50
BRIEF_21 Genetic Modification: The Need for Special Regulation £2.50
BRIEF_22 Genetic Technologies: A Review of Developments in 2002 £2.50
BRIEF_23 Pharmacogenetics: Better, Safer Medicines? £2.50
BRIEF_24 Genetic Testing in the Workplace: Creating a genetic underclass? £2.50
BRIEF_25 The GM Dispute at the WTO: Forcing GM foods on Europe? £2.50
BRIEF_26 Genetic Technologies: A Review of Developments in 2003 £2.50
BRIEF_27 Bar-Coding Babies: Good for Health? £2.50
BRIEF_28 Genetic Tests and Health: The Case for Regulation £2.50
BRIEF_29 Growing GM crops: The Need for Contamination and Liability Rules £2.50
BRIEF_30 Genetic Technologies: A Review of Developments in 2004 £2.50
BRIEF_31 The Police National DNA Database: Human rights and privacy £2.50
BRIEF_32 Human Cloning and Stem Cells: unravelling the issues £2.50
BRIEF_33 Can Biological Containment Work for Crops and Society? £2.50
BRIEF_34 Genetic technologies: a review of developments in 2005 £2.50
BRIEF_35 Nutrigenomics: the future of nutrition? £2.50

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